I applied in UNIversity of Windsor[electrical & computer engineering]. And i attached SOp and Resume but one of my friend also got visa in university & he doesnt attached any resume or sop.
I applied on 16 nov and got visa on 26 Nov .I applied in the University category.
profile 10th-85%
12th 75%
BE CSE 69% no backlogs.
Paid two semester fees. -16000$ (total fees 24000$)
Education Loan 15 lack
Funds shown near about 7 lacks.
For showing income- attached lease deed agreement to...
I had taken admission in univer and i need to pay near about 13500$ fees (7000 1st sem +5500 second sem) .Now is it fine if pay first sem from my father account and second through loan.Please advice or is it good to pay entire fee through loan
I had already got offer letter from university of Windsor..i was just worried about documents needed for visa filling.and money in father account is near about four month old.IS it fine.??
HElp freinds.....agent told me that you need income proof documents but i had found in uni checklist that no income proof or itr are required a,,,,,,,Pls tell my chances of success experts. ???
I am going to apply for university of windsor for this jan intake. I am taking a loan of 15 lk and showing money in my father and grandmother account 8 lk .....ielts score-7 ......
college fee-2200$
but i have one problem that parents have no income proof documents....except we have last...
but My consultant says you need to show..property evaluation....income proof i.e ITR or J form for agriculture.....funds (that should be near about six month old.)...
Peep bai main ...lease deed ale document 2012 ton 2014 tan bna lae...par main pata kita vi..purane jiven 2010 to 2012 tak bnan layi purani date de affidavit chahide a...te hun sanu oh bnan ala khenda vi tusin.. purane year de layi...ajj di date ch affidavit likhva lau vi 2010 to 2012 vi jmeen...
Can you please provide me the link to university checklist..because the one i am having says that you need to show income tax return of previous 3 years.
mera matlab si vi ....jiven asin dairy da kam karde a..and for dairy income tax is nil......so in the previous we had not paid any income tax...but now can we pay ITr worth NIl rupess or something Like that..i heard it from someone....that tusin previous yeurs di NIL tax vi pay kar sakde aa..and...
thanks for Your Reply ..
but i just want to ask...llike my parents have income from diary also and i had heard that you can old ITr of nil money ...and you can pay ITr of previous like last 2 years now ,,is it ok two pays previous NIL Itr now then show to embassy for jan intake .i.e in nov...