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  1. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    dis s strange bcz hvnt seen even single case under 22 ask fr continution f studies. they asked fr both dependent or only fr dat dependent who has left da education....??? nd wat exactly thy ask?? plz reply
  2. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    is ur sis n law s still studying ??? nd wch class??? cn u plz reply
  3. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    cannt we snd it through private courier services???? comment
  4. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    y m nt be able 2 see current application status after filling all info through principle applicant uci???? someone reply
  5. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    there r lots f dependents f typeB be now relegated frm da application process... dis s quite unfair as they r going against their own norms... pththetic
  6. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    there r lots f dependents f typeB be now relegated frm da application process... dis s quite unfair as they r going against their own norms... pththetic
  7. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    watz da age f dat vry dependent at da time f submission f application who s relegated frm da case????
  8. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    itz shows nothing abt ma application status on cic web site. i cn see da status on uci f sponser but shows nthing in principle applicant uci.. itz nt accessble.. watz da reason??????
  9. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    plz help 2day we got acknowledgement letter frm new delhi saying dat decision has been made frm sponser syd. they snd uci no f ma dad who r principle applicant bt i cnt able 2 chck status f application . plz tell hw 2 chck dat.... user 828 plz comment
  10. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    wen dis parent uci be issued ... dear????
  11. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    me 2 hvnt seen anybdy got rejectd under 22. bt lots f dependents got rejectd who continues their study over 22 . whch ws against their own defination f dependent . so datz y i said nobdy knw their mood.
  12. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    ur case might be spoiled frm sponser side i guess datz y it took so much tym to transfer da case 2 delhi . as far as ma knwldge no one got medicals whoz case transfer n decembr onwards so chill nd have watermelon ..
  13. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    bt u never knw abt visa officers . they r stupid nd tryng their level best 2 eliminate dependents wid their non sense replys nd no one cn do nthng dear. u cn see many cases n da thread got rejectd wch ws against their own norms..
  14. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    yeah itz normal usually it takes 7+ months after file transfer . if u r worried u cn order gcms .. nd see da status f ur application. vry less folks got med requst those who got transferd n nov onwards... i thnk they ill send meds to evrybdy frm nov to feb or march cases . same thng happend n...
  15. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    user828 plz tell they snd da medical request through e mail usually as u said bt plz tell do thy snd it to principle applicant or sponser ????? wat if principal applicant s nt having email id filled in already submittd forms??? plzzz comment evryone
  16. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    so wat s dis figures 7000 nd all??? wat they r talking abt???
  17. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    dere s about 7000 old dependnts ( age 19 or abv) would be rejectd .. around 25% r frm pGp ... they suggest them 2 apply n sum other category as international studnt r other datz suits thm... i cnt able 2 snd link otherwise i surely do.. itz n da news release amendments age f dependents ... 10th...
  18. vansh333

    parents sponsership joine here

    dis s pthetic if they already snd u medicals thn hw they be suppose 2 do .. if they wantd 2 reject these cases thn y they stupid morons snd medicals?????