Okay I'm sure it will be fine :)
I noticed that you and atclarke have pretty much the same timeline ...holy smokes!
Charlyn42 March, 3/2014 April, 10/2014 In Process Nov. 13/2014
atclarke March, 5/2014 April 1, 2014 In Process Nov, 13/2014
My consultant told us to submit everything at once because every time they request something it puts you back a potential 90 days for every request. Three months adds up.
Charlyn did you send all documents and payments in all at once? That is what our consultant advised us to do to fast track it. So far we are still on
We received your application for permanent residence on May 26, 2014.
Medical results have been received.
Is that progress or just standard?
5 months?! :o :o :o :o :o Lord put a hand on all of our applications! Its tough to be without a spouse...I haven't seen my husband since August, and was turned away at the border when I tried to go back in September...So I'm having to wait a good 6 months before I can see him again. I'm getting...
Congrats on that news :) I have been dying to contact SOMEONE to get things moving, but my consultant keeps giving me the red light. He doesn't even advise me getting notes. I don't know if our case it special in that hubby is out of the country, but damn it, I want answers! LOL
I'm Jessie2014 :P nice to meet you Charlyn. It's good to see another 2014 applicant. I won't be totally alone here now that most of the 2013 JamFam is reunited with their loved ones <3