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  1. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Sent it to CIC-Mississauga. But I think they send a few batches to Ottawa to process because there are so many applications to deal with right now.
  2. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Thanks!! Hopefully this helps when I try to bring hubby into Canada next month to wait out the rest of the processing!! I have all my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for others in feb getting their approval today :)
  3. bally21

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    GOT SPOUSAL SPONSORSHIP APPROVAL!!!!!!! Applied Feb 8th, approved May 17th!!! 99 days! Finally!! I was going to call them up today breathing fire!! haha And today is marks exactly 1 month left in the UK!! Roll on June 17th :D p.s it was approved by Ottawa
  4. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    GOT APPROVAL!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D Applied Feb 8th, approved May 17th!!! 99 days! p.s it was approved by Ottawa
  5. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    It's only 9.30am there! Civil service workers don't actually start being productive until after tea break :P its usually later in the day they update it.
  6. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    I'm not sure, waiting today to see what date they update 'working on' on the cic website. If it's after Feb 8th, I'm calling them!
  7. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Our app was also recieved feb 8th and still nothing. I reckon there is a black hole with Feb 8th applicants :P Another person on the britishexpats forum got approved from Feb 21st
  8. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Ours was also recieved Feb 8th and I've heard nothing either. I think there is a black hole for Feb 8th applicants ::) I think a box will be fine!
  9. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    On the british expats forum there have been I think 3-4 from mid feb approved. We have about as simple case as you can get, british husband, married, no kids, clear medical, clear police checks, etc. I guess because we are leaving in a month to move to Canada, I'm panicking a bit because I want...
  10. bally21

    Sending unaccompanied goods to canada

    Hi, I am hoping to send 6 small boxes of our personal effects from Dublin-Toronto BEFORE we move in mid-June. My dad will be picking it up at the airport in Toronto. I've checked the CBSA website and the goods we are sending are duty and tax exempt as its just books, clothes, photos etc and the...
  11. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    No news yet :-[ why does it seem that the first week of feb applicants have not heard anything, yet quite a few from mid feb have?! I hope this isn't another case of 'misplaced' applications!
  12. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Anyone know the CIC-Miss number to call from the UK?
  13. bally21

    How many are sponsoring to Ontario, just curious.

    Awesome! I'm so glad to hear it! I've never been there. My dad went up to look at apartments for us and said it was stunning and our kind of town, but it's still been nerve wracking to choose a place to live when you've never seen it before! Just less than 5 weeks until we go ;D
  14. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    A few people from british expat forum got approval and their applications were received 20th and 21st Feb. So I am definitely calling CIC in the next few days.
  15. bally21

    How many are sponsoring to Ontario, just curious.

    Bit late on this one, but we're moving to Orillia, north of Barrie, in June! I have been accepted into Veterinary nursing at Georgian College, starting in Sept. We already have an apartment sorted! Just need a car now. Well, SUV for our 3 big dogs :D Fingers crossed they let hubby in on a...
  16. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Our application was received Feb 8th, so if I don't hear anything by end of next week, I'm calling them!
  17. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    CIC updated, they are working on applications from Feb 7th 2012!!!!
  18. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Did you get approved through Ottawa or Missisagua? Just wondering if a batch went to Ottawa and they are approving them faster than Miss. Arghh so fed up! Our days left in the UK is ticking down so quickly and it's probably going to be another 3 months til we get stage 2 done :(
  19. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Argh a few more weeks???? It's been 3 MONTHS already! >:(
  20. bally21

    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Agreed! Our received Feb 8th! We move to Canada from UK June 17th and it is looking like my husband will have a nice summer of unemployment while we await stage 2 processing for him!! Lucky sod :P