Sorry for asking again but will i be able to get admission in universities like manitoba,victoria,carleton or regina in meng in ece department With this percentage and i have 5 backlogs..
Plz tell me straight foward what percentage of chance do i stand...
thank u for your reply...
but i want to ask you that if i can apply for 2 year diploma as i have done btech and it would not degrade my education and futhermore will not make any difficulties in my visa application???
And if i can apply then can you plz suggest me some diploma or any other 2...
I am currenty in 8th sem of my B.Tech(6 months training) and will be passing in july 2014. I am looking for admissionin MS or MEngg for jan 2015....
My expecting aggregate percentage in the last 2 years of B.Tech will be around 68% to 69%(depends on my last semester percentage)(4 year...
Hi sir...
I want some advise for which university to apply for, as it will be a great help...
X--- 76%
I am thinking of doing my masters in canada.So plz reply
My qualifications are
10th : 76%
12th : 81%
Btech(ece) : 63%
Ielts : 7
In which university can i get admission in canada for ms ....
Plz reply me asap...