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  1. saint4peace


    pretestRQ & look4d: Thanks a lot once again. I appreciate your time. Actually, I counted today again my days of receiving the letter is 37 working days! I mean I was issued the RQ letter on 25 October, 2012. If I count only working days since 25 October, then it is only 37 working days until 16...
  2. saint4peace


    Thanks a lot for information. However, if it passes that 45 working days, then what happens? They just throw it away. or Don't even open ? PLEASE advise. Thanks in advance.
  3. saint4peace


    Hi ALL: I could NOT send my RQ letter back to local immigration office as it already passed 45 days!! I am just 'fraustrated' to complete ALL these information and make a package to send to them !! I will send it next week and it will already be a week late, I mean 52 days after receiving the RQ...
  4. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Halfmoon: You did not wash your hair yet ? I thought, you already did. Anyway, my Boss was FARTING, so I left his office now and joined here again. hahahhahahhaha
  5. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Halfmoon; I am a real SAINT here in this thread, and I am a human too. I think wife is a human as well. But she is unique = elegant.
  6. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Halfmoon: At least, you gotta believe my *sh*t*, yao! I bet my *sh*t* is NOT like others I mean the colour of it.....hahahhahahhahah
  7. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    tuyen: on a serious note. I love you man. You are so effective and quick in action. I do respect human like you. So proactive. Salute and plus 10 points for ya, buddy.
  8. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    lunas: limitless = unique = elegant !!!! hahahahaha I stop here now for a while......b/c my Boss is around the corner at this moment.
  9. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Yes, unique=limitless ? right? hahahahahhahaha
  10. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Halfmoon: Maybe NOT firm but loosened or like elastic!
  11. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    lunas: my happiness is limitless now since I could give you some laughter tonight. We both happy at the end.
  12. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    FullMoon: Got it. You are placed at your real now on.....fullmoon or moonlit night. maybe, stary night. hahahahaha
  13. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    lunas: humm....by now, I have some whiskers though! hahahha
  14. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    HM (Halfmoon): Yes, unlimited. Thanks for correction. I used 'limitless', just to make it sound unique LOVE for my wife and vice-versa. Thank you so much, lady Full-Moon. Now on you are fullmoon, not halfmoon.
  15. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Halfmoon: Warm Oil then ? ahahhahahaha
  16. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    lunas: Halfmoon already mentioned that I am a man and I forgot the page number where she did. Anyway thanks for recognising me, although little late. late is better than never.
  17. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Ms Malawi: My wife confesses that she is lucky. So she is always so happy and feels proud of me. Therefore, I owe her limitless LOVE and kisses/hugs. I cant wait, hun.
  18. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    "hair washing night" Halfmoon: I shaved my head last weekend. What am I gonna do rest of the night then ?
  19. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Halfmoon: For sure, I believe.
  20. saint4peace

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Halfmoon: Sure, I will. I probably know her 'heart shape' already. But imprint will make public/people aware of it.