Thanks Canv,
It's just that after my thorough research I concluded that once the file is transferred (Scarborough) it takes a minimum of 70 days for test date. So if my file was transferred next week lets say, I won't take the test before 3rd of August. I am relying on November xcel sheet, the...
lawyerlady, I told you your test will be on June 15 :D
Coolguysam, I want your advice on something. As you can see my file hasn't even been transferred. So I am thinking of booking for my summer vacation just for the month of July 1- 31. With your experience and with reference to Scarborough...
Puda, any luck getting in touch with the December applicant admin? It's becoming very annoying and confusing looking at out excel sheet as opposed to the November excel sheet. Please if you get to become admin I suggest following same format like Nov sheet because it is visually easier to spot...
Ok I have just finished cooking the magic spell. If you say the following spell 2 times in a row while closing your eyes ...(wait you cannot read if your eyes are closed), ok never mind, you have to read the spell twice while touching the computer screen in front of you. For those who don't do...
Great I love apples. ;D
But still you were transferred to Mississauga, I live east of Young so I am presuming Scarborough would be my office. So we are comparing Gala apples to McIntosh. :P
Thanks shaazdeh. Are you a Torontarian december applicant as well? If not then we are comparing apples to oranges ???
Nighty (I used to dream of prince on a unicorn now I dream of my file flying on a magic carpet from Sydney to Scarborough)
I have been throwing magic buckets on you right and left and I just realized that I need it the most. I am probably the ONLY Toronto applicant whose status is still "in process". Most Toronto applicants got transferred just few days after "in process"except me. It's been almost 20 days :(...
My file has been "In Process" since April 20 (Toronto- Scarborough office). So take it easy. Transfer will come soon.
Tomorrow is sprinkle time!!! Come forward everyone so I can splash you. :P
Since I am just waiting for transfer at this point I will wear my shorts and tshirt. But when it's...
That's what you get when you are on top of my list. I am soooo happy for you. 8)
Such an exceptional message and for that you deserve a bucket of Luna's magic sprinkles thrown right on your head. Would love to hear more of your input on this forum.
I have...
esense and december applicant,
I knew I have hit someone with my magic sprinkles yesterday. It just took time to reach you!!!
So happy for you guys. Hope to hit more of you next week. :P
Trunorth, u r on top of the list. Hopefully ur file will be transferred to Mississauga very soon or even better maybe it is already there waiting for test!
Puda, Sengabo, benk, DenverCo and AsianIndian,
Small technical problem, by mistake I sprayed you all with "Love" potion instead of "magic" :P
I shall fix the problem and spray you all tomorrow with my magic potion. ;D
Lots of LOVE,
Ready for some magic sprinkles December applicants??? Tomorrow is Wednesday. My magic works only on Wednesdays (it works all year round on my husband though ;D)
Good luck all. let's see who gets updates tomorrow.
I don't think so. I think they pile them up according to address, because it doesn't make sense that Missisuaga applicants all moved to IP in 20 days and all scarborough's didn't. EXCEPT MINE. I checked today and it's IP. I told you I do MAGIC.
AOR February 24 2015
Application in process April...
Well, One thing I can tell you is if you have the correct address on the system, and have been checking your mail box and haven't received an RQ 13 days after March 21st then your file is just taking longer time than others to be transferred.
Common sense says it should be transferred maybe...