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  1. cats_lover

    OWP and PR application January 2012

    Woow this is new to me! I never heard that we could submitt our OWP application online! It doesnt say anywhere on the CIC website! Of course is better and faster but who has sent it online?
  2. cats_lover

    Live-in caregiver PR applicants for April,May and June timeline

    Hello Im also in Vancouver and never heard about a protest. How should we communicate? Im in in any activity you organize ;)
  3. cats_lover

    Live-in caregiver PR applicants for April,May and June timeline

    Hello!! I was reading your post and im wondering what you meant with this: yesterday when I called cic again,the agent told me to give them atleast until april 15 because maybe by that time they will have instructions from mr.kenney or immigration officers of what to do. Why immigration is...
  4. cats_lover

    Live-in caregiver PR applicants for April,May and June timeline

    Hello All! I just sent my application for PR and OWP. Im wondering if i can leave my employer in 3 months even if i havent received my OWP? is that possible? do i have any repercusion on my process?? I wouldnt have another employer yet, i think i will wait till my OWP arrives to find another...
  5. cats_lover

    Live-in caregiver PR applicants for April,May and June timeline

    What is the problem? you have sent your papers already, then what? tought you were leaving them as son as possible!! let me know!
  6. cats_lover

    Live-in Caregiver PR application sent in 2011 timeline, Welcome...

    Thank you soo much!! now i have everything clear. Now i have another question: - can we get tax return from room and board? box 30 on t4. thanks!
  7. cats_lover

    Live-in Caregiver PR application sent in 2011 timeline, Welcome...

    Hello all Im going to send my OWP/PR application in 3 weeke but im now using any lawyer. I want to fill out the form for the OWP but i dont know which one to send? i found this one on this link but im not sure because it says that is an application outside canada...
  8. cats_lover

    Live-in Caregiver PR application sent in 2011 timeline, Welcome...

    Hello birdy, im going to send my application on march too! Are you already gathering your papers? who is helping you? i cant afford to pay a lawyer so im going to do it myself but still have some questions. Im in vancouver. Where are you?
  9. cats_lover

    Live-in caregiver PR applicants for April,May and June timeline

    I just read this news and im just wondering, how will this affect to people who hasnt apply yet? im applying next march (will be by time; 2 years). Also something i read cought my attention: •increasing the amount of time a caregiver has to complete their work obligations, from three years to...
  10. cats_lover

    Live-in Caregiver PR application sent in 2011 timeline, Welcome...

    When did you apply for OWP and PR? was it both at the same time? I will apply on march so im trying to gather all the information. Im single from Vancouver too.
  11. cats_lover

    work permit re-newal

    Have you sign up for the access key at the CIC webpage? once you sign up you can verify your status there but they will send you an email when theres news about your application
  12. cats_lover

    work permit re-newal

    I dont think they have started working in your case, i sent my application online on september 9 and they opened on november 14. So they are behind and you still have some time to send it, if they need more information they will email you asking you to upload the rest. They ask for contract...
  13. cats_lover

    Live-in-caregiver- PR Applicants --October, November, December 2011 Timeline

    Im wondering if i should start gathering my papers to apply from now? next march i will be done with the 2 years. Someone told me i have to apply online i because now is paperless?? What are you guys doing while waiting? still working as a live in caregivers? i would like to spend 3 months in...
  14. cats_lover

    Live-in caregiver PR applicants for April,May and June timeline

    Im not philipino either but i would like to meet other nannies and share stories!! we always could use some help!
  15. cats_lover

    Extension of Work Permit- Online Application

    Hi I did my application online and i was wondering if we dont need to send our passports? or whay they will send? because i need a reentry visa as well and they put it in the passport, what did you get? please let me know thanks
  16. cats_lover

    Extension of Work Permit- Online Application

    Hello everyone Im trying to submit my application online but i have troubles uploading the scanned pages, i have tried with .DOC and .PDFill but it wont let me, what programe you used to put together all pages? i have 2 files because i couldnt put them in just one because it gets too big (more...
  17. cats_lover

    Is Canadian Government shutting down Live in Caregiver program ????????????????

    In case they shut down the Caregiver program, im wondering what would happen to the people we are already in the program, i mean i would understand if they dont acept any new people in it, but the rest of us? they can do something like this? Im only 7 months away of finishing my 2 years and i...
  18. cats_lover

    Extension of Work Permit- Online Application

    Hi there, i was reading your letter and i cant get it, why have you been working for more than 32 years with the same family? Havent you apply for PR yet? and if you did, why do you need a LMO if you are a Permanent resident? or have you been waiting for your open permit all along? My work...
  19. cats_lover

    Live-in caregiver PR applicants for April,May and June timeline

    Did you attend this meeting? i just read about it, I wish i could have gone! :( If you did, can you share the information? Thanks!
  20. cats_lover

    Live-in caregiver PR applicants for April,May and June timeline

    Im in BC too girls. Even i havent apply for my OWP because i still have 10 months to go, i would like to do something because waiting one more year is not fair!!! I wouldnt mind to wait that long for PR but to get OWP in a max of 4 months it would be fair enough for us. Maybe we should create...