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  1. Mightytonewheel

    Visitor Visa refusal for my fiancee from Bangalore in Feb 2016

    I can only take a guess -- and my guess is that CIC considered her situation and determined that she did not have enough ties to her country of origin to persuade them that she would return. She's proven she acquired a job, but did the letter state she has ongoing employment? What was the date...
  2. Mightytonewheel

    Can I file a divorse here in canada? Even my husband is in the Philippines?

    If you got married in the Philippines, and the Philippines considers you legally married by its laws, then Canada also considers you married. In other words, in Canada, you're married. It doesn't matter if you use his last name or not, or think of yourself as single. Until you get divorced...
  3. Mightytonewheel


    Not me. We put together our sponsorship and permanent residency applications ourselves. I hired an immigration consultant to review the applications and make suggestions/recommendations, or highlight anything that was missing. I'm glad I did. She pointed out that my wife had lived in another...
  4. Mightytonewheel

    What happens next?

    AOR is just an acknowledgement they have received your application; it is not the receipt itself. CIC received my sponsorship application in early December and I didn't get my AOR until February. I think it sits on a pile somewhere before they even acknowledge it. After AOR, they could still...
  5. Mightytonewheel

    Proof of relationship for interview

    Yup, but you said "Applicants from the US have a very very low burden of proof unless there are a lot of red flags." I was responding to that.
  6. Mightytonewheel

    Proof of relationship for interview

    I think this tends to have something to do with the applicants whose countries more often attempt immigration fraud. It's less common in the US; not many people feel they need to leave a third-world country in favour of another third-world country. Therefore, this would not likely be a route for...
  7. Mightytonewheel


    CONGRATS! THIS IS AWESOME! So happy for you. I know you were worried. I was rooting for you!
  8. Mightytonewheel


    Probably. Sometimes the principal applicant gets more information on eCAS than the sponsor for awhile. Has your spouse received an SA letter or email? What happens when your spouse logs in? You only got your AOR 10 days ago, so it may take some time for everything to update.
  9. Mightytonewheel

    Can I apply for Common law if we travel+work together for 2 years?

    It's permissible for someone to enter as a visitor in Canada and still work without a work permit, provided the following conditions are met: There must be no intent to enter the Canadian labour market (there will be no gainful employment in the country); The worker’s activity in Canada must be...
  10. Mightytonewheel

    Photocopy of supporting documents (Inland application)

    In general, Canadian immigration applications will explicitly tell you if a copy needs to be a certified true copy, original, or copy/photocopy. If it just says "photocopy" or "copy", that's exactly what it means.
  11. Mightytonewheel

    Proof of relationship for interview

    Well, you never know. I included a representative sample of Whatsapp logs, but I think it was more than 30 pages. Since we lived far apart, it was the main way we communicated. It's difficult to say how much is "too much" and how much is "not enough". I heard from one person who sent boxes and...
  12. Mightytonewheel

    Proof of relationship for interview

    I'm curious. Did you include any of this evidence with your application? If you're just collecting this stuff now, and didn't include any of it in the application, they probably need to verify the authenticity of your relationship. I agree with lighty_j that letters would be a good idea. Also...
  13. Mightytonewheel


    You're worrying too soon. For you, it's only been 57 days. The average is more than 65 days before AOR. Many people receive theirs later than that. In addition, your application was received only a couple of days before Christmas. I expect that application processing slows down for about a...
  14. Mightytonewheel


    Really, Landing_PR? Very sorry to hear -- and it makes me feel a little guilty that my timeline is running smoothly. :( Hang in there. 71 days feels long, but I think their process is a bit disorganized and it can take some longer than others.
  15. Mightytonewheel


    Yeah, this is confusing. I don't see why they would ask Ottawa to help with some applications, since Paris is already one of the fastest offices in the world. Why would they need Ottawa's help? Is it possible you reporting your address as being in Canada, they assumed it was inland? Does your...
  16. Mightytonewheel


    Sound strange. Are you sure it was an outland application? What was the location you filled in for your permanent residency (meaning, where did you say you permanently live?)
  17. Mightytonewheel


    As it happens, as of today I can now log into eCAS and see both info for myself and my wife (the principal applicant). So everything seems fine. I noticed that my wife's status has been update to include three lines: 1) they received the application; 2) they started processing the application...
  18. Mightytonewheel


    Yup, this is strange. I definitely do not have access, but my wife's PR application is showing as "In Progress". I called CIC about it. They seemed unconcerned, and indicated that my letter indicating SA approval really ought to be enough. 8)
  19. Mightytonewheel


    There's a bit of weirdness on my end, too. I received my AOR on February 8, SA email received February 10. When I log into eCas with my details (sponsor, using both application number of UCI), the system says it has no record of me. When I log in with her details (principal applicant, using...
  20. Mightytonewheel

    Visitor visa GRANTED!(Wife of PR)

    I'm not sure if this CIC web page has been posted on this thread or not (I didn't look through the whole thread), but if so it's worth repeating: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/tools/temp/visa/dual.asp I found this enormously helpful. Essentially, it's perfectly acceptable to come to...