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  1. P

    Information: Living expenses in Toronto/Canada

    wat about on campus work...do students get work...
  2. P

    jay u got wonderful replies...appreciative...

    hmmm u know better as ur throug d situation..mine is beginning...n PNP is the optn left to me not d choice...
  3. P


    nthng like dat..but u hve to clear GMATÉ/GRE with gud score thn get offer letter from university..remembr donèt go for colleg for any masters..try in university as it can strength ur case...but donèt be hopeless
  4. P

    jay u got wonderful replies...appreciative...

    N ASTON ITS seems u hve sm confusion about colleges,i hve read ur posts ,,where ur asking about cost n college for IBM...if u hve any ask me..i hve detaild study on collgs regardng this course
  5. P

    jay u got wonderful replies...appreciative...

    u hvnèt read my reply on dat post where i hve mntind everthng..m pASTING IT HERE.. m in georgian ,not george brown.... reason is ...as the motive is PR ,,,studying for 1 yr m eligible under Provincial Nominee program..n for that i have to work for i yr irespective of wthr my work is realtd to...
  6. P

    jay u got wonderful replies...appreciative...

    i hve been in ths forum so long ..like the way u reply...sm r funny ..like dato fevicol kindaa..lolzzz..but its gud u help others giving xact information...
  7. P

    Any1 going to SENECA college

    its 1 yr m sure..i hve searchd in all collegs..in univ its of 2yrs..donno the reasn..n from all colleges offering IBM,,only niagra college n georgian have internship..dts why its of 3 sem..frm rest of the collgs its of 2 sem
  8. P

    Changing College after reaching toronto, CAN WE??

    i hve been fihting wid this issue frm so long..really big thnx for clarifying d situation...i donèt really hve problm with the college..its georgian college,barrie..but had wid the location..coz i was thnkin to stay in toronto..so will shift to barrie...i guess ur alrdy student there in canada...
  9. P

    Changing College after reaching toronto, CAN WE??

    xactly jay..thts wat ièm thnkin...as fee transfer is between colleg n bank..s i hve paid part of my tuitn fee from loan ..so the collg s not going to give dat fee to me..it will refund to bank..n aftr dat i will hve to get d new loan lettr n so so..so its not really dat easy as agents r saying...
  10. P

    Visa got rejected

    hhahahha ya dats the reasn..uske posts padhke main irritate ho gayi..har jagah yhi likh deta ..kisi ka koi financl problm ho ya study mismatch ,har kisi me medical beech le a rha thaa...funny guy just lik d name pump...
  11. P

    Ontario: PNP: IELTS Validity duration?

    donno whtr u will reply me or not...just state somthng on my case..i hve applied for International Business Mangamnt Course from Georgian College ,OnTARIO....do i will be eligible for pr aftr working for 1 yr aftr study...n do this work has to be realtd to my studies...i just want to know what...
  12. P

    applied in centennial and waiting for visa??? post here

    i belive u hve chosen university bcoz it makes ur case strong before VO..choosing uni thn college..so it will benifit ofcoz..n university studies r ofcoz bettr if u can afford..
  13. P

    applied in centennial and waiting for visa??? post here

    m in georgian ,not george brown.... reason is ...as the motive is PR ,,,studying for 1 yr m eligible under Provincial Nominee program..n for that i have to work for i yr irespective of wthr my work is realtd to my study or not...m paying 15000$ it inculds internship n for TRU i have to pay...
  14. P

    applied in centennial and waiting for visa??? post here

    i thnk u applied to TRU...i also got offr letter frm dat but i went for georgian colleg..i also applied on 27...
  15. P

    urgent assess my prOFILE for STUDENT VISA..... PLZ HELP ME.....

    ur profile is similar to mine ..i hve applied for IBM in georgian collge..risk is aftr MBA we r going for IBM..mean diploma aftr masters..m jus trying my luck..will see wat happn... i guess its late for applying now..coz documntatn will take futhr time n last date is almost gone dat was 1...
  16. P

    experts plz help....regrdng internship and colleg

    i hve applied for International business management frm georgian college, barrie...duration is of 3 sems...including internship in 3rd sem..costing me 15,181.67$ i was thnkin to chnge the college coz of 1. Location...its too far frm toronto..m hvng accomdatn there...othrwise i hve to live in...
  17. P

    applied in centennial and waiting for visa??? post here

    i guess u hve also applied in IBM is it
  18. P

    Changing College after reaching toronto, CAN WE??

    but i hve question on this...if someone has applied aftr loan...as bank sanction loan on that collegès offer letter..so if we chnge collg ftr goin there..it is not going to be that easy bcoz first we hve to cancl the loan thn apply for new loan..n all dat need time n ofcoz if we r there in...
  19. P

    Got Visa in 3rd attempt. Seneca College.

    arrie have u chnged the course this time or applied with same GBM....m asking coz i hve applied with IBM frm georgian colleg