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  1. cafelatte02


    Hi MelJam, I sent an email to Kingston few month ago to make sure that they received my hubby's application, medical and PC and to ask if we had to send his CSQ or redo something. It took them forever to answer but that's what they've responded: App: F********* Dear cafelatte02, Thank you...
  2. cafelatte02


    Super!! Congrats Mrs & Mr Brown! Don't wait too long to share with us your happy landing story ;D
  3. cafelatte02


    Whoot, whoot! CONGRATS!!!!! :)
  4. cafelatte02


    Congrats MelJam. ;D Yeah, now the real waiting beggins. The hardest part is the "not knowing anything part". We try not to expect too much, but after a while it's not easy... I comfort myself with the good news that the Jam Fam is sharing with us knowing that our turn will come too. La...
  5. cafelatte02


    Woohooo Chickie, so happy for you! We all deserve to be reunited with our loved ones but you've waited SO LONG and did so much for all of us, I truly think that your Karma should have made things way faster for your family's application. But the important is that now they're with you :D ;D :D ;D...
  6. cafelatte02


    Hey Neveaha, how are you and hubby doing? Is he adapting to the snow and his knew environment? And what about you? I miss my husband like crazy, but I'm use of dealing with my household and take my decisions on my own, I wonder how it's going to be when he is here with me. Besides beeing...
  7. cafelatte02


    I agree :D we would not bother you with the same questions again and again. Chickie, thank you very much for your time, your help, well for everything you do for us. It's greatly appreciated!!!!!! I'm sponsoring hubby only, from Quebec. As for MelJam' information, Quebec government will send...
  8. cafelatte02


    Congrats PinkyM!!! Kingston is on fire for real the last few weeks. I wish you and everyone else that got their PPR a fast passeport return. By curiosity, did they call your husband when they did ask to redo the PC, or they requested either by snail mail or by email? Thanks for the info.
  9. cafelatte02


    Good Tuesday morning everyone! I just LOVE seeing the spreadsheet growing more purple each day, that means lots of Happy people, and that our time will come soon too ;D I asked hubby to redo his police check (21 days) in order to be ready to go on if Kingston calls him and request it. I want...
  10. cafelatte02


    Whoa! Congrats Mrs and Mr greengirl, what an amazing news to receive on a Sunday!!! We all have rough times, but everything ends up in the right place after all. God is good. Keep us posted :)
  11. cafelatte02


    Hey DG, Congratulations for your hubby's PPR at last!!!! Sorry for the delay, but it's been a while since I came here. Chickie and you both deserved to get your files straightened up, jeeze I don't understand why KG is so unpredictable. Queue of receipt my eye, we all know it doesn't work that...
  12. cafelatte02


    OMG! So many PPR finally! Daddys girl got through and few others that is awesome! CONGRATS to everyone that got great news. Kingston is on fire and I wish it will continue because this winter is freazing cold without our other half :P Few other 2012 forum members left on the spreadsheet...
  13. cafelatte02


    Alleluja! It's about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o Sooooooooo happy for you chickie. It needs to go fast, ultra speed now. No more waiting for both of you. Congrats!
  14. cafelatte02


    Good Friday everyone! It's been a while since I last came here, I see that I have lots of reading to do LOL! Congrats to all members that got great news, hoping that Kingston is pumped up and that it's only a start. It would be great that they don't forget Chickie & Daddys Girls, they've been...
  15. cafelatte02


    Good evening FAM JAM! The count down have started for me too, 28 days and I'll trow myself in my hubby's arms :D :P ;D He's living in Trelawny and I go there every four months, but dang I miss him SO MUCH!!!! The mosquitos must be longing for their all you can eat buffet as well, these little...
  16. cafelatte02


    Congrats CanadianWifey!!! You applied on my big boy's 20th anniversary, it should be lucky ;D I wish you an easy and quick process, but we'll be by your side during the journey (same thing for all the newbies and old timers LOL!!!)
  17. cafelatte02


    Thanks Frankfield, we are both so blessed to have found and complement each other so well. My hubby tells me every single day how much he loves me and your message made me smile because something happened yesterday. You know how many jealous and bad mind & fake "Christians" people you can find...
  18. cafelatte02


    LOL!!! LMAO! Black people skin is not made for the cold I guess, I'm half and half, and no matter how often I lotion, oil or cream my body my skin is always dry and thirsty during the cold season.
  19. cafelatte02


    Sooner or later (preferably sooner :P) this madening process will be just a distant memory. We both going to come here to post our own spouse landing story for our fellow Jamfam members ;D I can't wait for that lol!
  20. cafelatte02


    We all do. Jamaicans are so proud, especialy man. Sharing their feeling is frequently taken as a sign a weakness, it's a cultural thing, they were raised like that, we just cannot take it personal. After almost five years, my husband came to understand that sharing his feelings with his wife was...