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  1. I

    Help clearifying some questions on Background Decliration [IMM5669]

    Hello I know it's been a while, and sorry to bother you. I just had a quick question about background checks. I mailed in my fingerprints and the required forms with payment for a background check about two months ago and was just wondering if there was any way to check on it's status? or if it...
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    Help clearifying some questions on Background Decliration [IMM5669]

    Okay thank you, thanks god because I left my birth certificate back home.
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    Help clearifying some questions on Background Decliration [IMM5669]

    Hey again! not sure if you're still around but if have one last question for today if you don't mind. Do they want original documents when it comes to my birth certificate and marriage license? or are photo copies okay? The wording on the checklist is a bit oddly worded.
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    Help clearifying some questions on Background Decliration [IMM5669]

    Also, would you know anyone here on the forums that would mind reviewing our forms? I'd be willing to pay if desired. Nothing too intensive, just to see if we've made any huge errors.
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    Help clearifying some questions on Background Decliration [IMM5669]

    Okay, thank you for the help. Good news, realized I was filling out the outland application on accident anyway! Thanks for elaborating on why inland is so awful, I've heard outland recommended a lot and didn't really understand why. So when the consultant suggested inland we just decided to go...
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    Help clearifying some questions on Background Decliration [IMM5669]

    Hello, quick context: My wife is a Canadian citizen by birth and I am an Unites States citizen by birth. Just got around to filling out the paperwork for Sponsorship and we both have a tendency to over analyze things so the questions can get a bit confusing. Basically we're stuck on question...
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    I'm married to an Albertan and Would like to move in with her.

    Thank you everyone for the replies! They've been extremely helpful.
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    I'm married to an Albertan and Would like to move in with her.

    Okay thank you a lot for this, I read the page and If I understand correctly this means I should apply Outland for sponsorship. Would applying Outland still allow me to stay with my wife for a few months in Canada? Or would I be obligated to stay in the US for the length of my application? Also...
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    I'm married to an Albertan and Would like to move in with her.

    Hello, I'm currently married to a Canadian citizen who lives in Alberta. We got married last month when I was visiting but I unfortunately had to return to Florida for work. We've decided that I would move in with her late this month. I'm aware that when I'm there we will have to begin...