I have always been an individual who has wanted more. The spirit of competition excites me and excelling is important to me. I love to learn more and challenge myself. This is what prompted me to apply for a masters in Electrical and Computer engineering program at University of Alberta...
Hi I have a similar academic background like yours, and I'm trying Meng in electrical in university of Carleton, will you please share your profile by which you got admission in Carleton University?
Thanks in advance
Hy I am applying for University of Alberta for January 2020 intake, will you please share your academic background.
For what course you applied and got admission? And your academic score?
Hi I am from India, and my qualifications are,
10th STD - 81%
Diploma in ECE - 94%
BE ECE - 71% (with history of 3 backlogs)
Internship - 1 (3 month)
Projects involved - 3
IELTS overall - 6.5 (no less than 6 in each band )
I applied for Meng in electrical and computer in,
Dalhousie University...
Hy hi, will you please tell me what are all the documents I need to submit while applying for graduate admission in University of manitoba. (I.e) LOR's, SOP, CV, IELTS score, and marksheets. Is it enough for initial application process?
Hi, will anyone please help me in selecting universities for my profile.
With history of 3 backlogs,
Can I get Msc or Meng Admission in anyone of the listed University.
University of Victoria
University of Regina
University of Alberta
University of Saskatchewan
Concordia University
Hi i'm from India,
I have
81% in 10th std
94% in diploma (ECE)
71% in BE (ECE) with history of 3 backlogs
I'm planning to do masters by winter intake (January 2020)
Suggest me some universities which accept history of 3 backlogs, please.
I'm going to try for,
University of regina
University of...
Hy hi I'm from india, I'm willing to pursue master of engineering in electrical and computer science in University of victVict.
I have
81% in 10th
94% in diploma (ECE)
71% in BE (ECE) (history of backlogs 3)
Is there is a chance for me to get into University of Victoria?
Ok, then will you please share me the list of universities that will accept the admission from students who have history of backlogs,.. so that I can give importance to that universities first.
Hy thanks for your response,.
Other than University of saskatchSask will you suggest me some more universities ( where history of backlogs do not affect my chances of getting admission) to apply for masters.
Hi I have,
81% in 10th std
94% in diploma (ECE)
71% in bachelor (ECE) (HISTORY OF BACKLOGS 3)
And I'm going to take ielts by this month.
And I strongly prefer to do my masters in Electrical and Computer science.
And I don't hav any work experience. And I'm planning for 2020 January intake...