Hi guys
I want to study in computer newtork and system technician in SENECA collage .Its requirments are English 12th and maths 12.
I have good percentages in ENGLISH but i dont have MATHS in my 12th grade .
Please guys help how i can get admission
Hello everyone
I have comleted my high school in Humanities from Federal board islamabad.My question to Experts that can i get admission in Computer network and technical support.Its Requirments are..
Ontario Secondary School Diploma with a majority of senior credits at the College...
Hello every one
I will study in canada which is not a bachelors , or diploma.
It is Just Certificate for 22 weeks course
Program name : Graphic Design for Print and Web
Type of program : Certificate <------- Type of program is not Degree or Diploma it is Certificate of 22 weeks
Hello everyone
I have comleted my high school in Humanities from Federal board islamabad.My question to Experts that can i get admission in School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science .Its Requirments are..
English Grade 12 C or U, or equivalent, or skills assessment.
Math Grade...
I want to ask Experts that for international student Off campus jobs are not allowed untill completing 6 months.Just On campus are allowed without permision.
Can some one tell me which kind of job i will get On campus
I am going to apply Nait edmonton.I want to ask experts that when i get addmision and after my arriving to canada how i will apply for on capmus job.Because i cannot work off campus untill i complete my six months.So please help me
Hello dears
I want to ask from Experienced one that i Gradute from University and i worked as skilled job for 1 year in canada .
when i will apply for PR i have proof of my digree or Certificate to show CIC that i Completed my study for 2 years .But the problem how will show them that i...
I want to study Diploma in Computer Network technician .This course length is for 2 years
After that i will work in skilled job for 1 year .
My question is that If i graduate from 2 years Diploma and work in skilled job so am i able to apply under CEC
Hello dear
I want to ask Alberta peoples that please give me the names of cheap university names for international students where i can start my study .
I checked many Universities like - Nait.ca , U of alberta etc - these are very expensive for Internation students.
I want to do...
IF i study in canada just diploma and when i complete my diploma i will work 1 year in skilled job .
Am i eligible for Canadian Experience Class with completing of Diploma not Bachelors or masters
I am going to apply in NAIT university .I want to ask that if i apply online i have to pay some C$ for applying for addmission.
So when i have to pay full international Tution fee to the university . via Visa card or what
Or when i get acceptence from University and i will go to the...
So its mean i complete my bachelor's of computer science and after that i should work in skilled job then i am eligible for Canadian Experience Class
Hello everyone
I want to ask Experts that Under Canadian Experience Class i have to work in skilled job for 1 year after my graduation.Then i am eligible to apply for PR - Permenent Residance -.
I want to ask that Completing of Bachelor's in Canada Is is called graduation or i have to do...
I still confused that in which university i should apply Beacause they have in website too much fee thats why i am asking can i do semesterwise.
if some help me to give me the names of university where i can do semesterwise or craditwise .As you gave me ( motoreal university )