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  1. Ghassan.sultan

    MAY 2011 Application- Process and Timeline

    Dear My Friends, I am living in Yemen, and my wife was lived in Egypt just for less than one year, and London VO request police certificate for my wife from Egypt, and they also ask for “evidence of your spouse’s occupation in Egypt” My inquiries are:- - Can I take police certificate for my...
  2. Ghassan.sultan

    Pls help me to reply to London VO

    Dear My Friends, I am living in Yemen, and my wife was lived in Egypt just for less than one year, and London VO request police certificate for my wife from Egypt, and they also ask for “evidence of your spouse’s occupation in Egypt” My inquiries are:- - Can I take police certificate for my...
  3. Ghassan.sultan

    MAY 2011 Application- Process and Timeline

    Today I received the MR , I am happy so much. Thanks to all seniors in this forum, they are helping all the time.
  4. Ghassan.sultan

    MAY 2011 Application- Process and Timeline

    I received this reply from London VO Dear Sir, Further to your email of 10 November 2011, please note that it is not necessary that PCRC contact us directly within their results. You can send us a scanned copy of the correspondence you receive from them. Yours sincerely,
  5. Ghassan.sultan

    LONDON VO, Information/Timeline/Update

    I received this reply from London VO Dear Sir, Further to your email of 10 November 2011, please note that it is not necessary that PCRC contact us directly within their results. You can send us a scanned copy of the correspondence you receive from them. Yours sincerely,
  6. Ghassan.sultan


    I received this reply from London VO Dear Sir, Further to your email of 10 November 2011, please note that it is not necessary that PCRC contact us directly within their results. You can send us a scanned copy of the correspondence you receive from them. Yours sincerely,
  7. Ghassan.sultan

    Medical Doctor

    Thanks a lot devil
  8. Ghassan.sultan

    Medical Doctor

    Many thanks acmd for this information really helpfull Thanks again Ghassan
  9. Ghassan.sultan

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    Any timeline spread sheet for this thread ? I need the link for it, please.
  10. Ghassan.sultan

    LONDON VO, Information/Timeline/Update

    May GOD be with You all. Really I started to worry about my application, I can not stand waiting for long time. I hope this will not happen with me or with any one.
  11. Ghassan.sultan

    Medical Doctor

    Dr Feras, Mostly you will get 22 points.
  12. Ghassan.sultan

    Medical Doctor

    The immigration applications will usually take about one year. But licensing will take many years if you are lucky & active. I know many friends decided to start studying in another fields either in health or in other fields as a tech. For me, I have already started licensing processes and my...
  13. Ghassan.sultan

    Medical Doctor

    MD not as PhD and unfortunately you will not get 25 point. My case is similar to your case, I was graduated from Sana'a University-Yemen (Near to your country), & I received 22 point for my education ,in spite of that I have Arab board in Emergency Medicine, 4 years post graduate training, in...
  14. Ghassan.sultan

    LONDON VO, Information/Timeline/Update

    !!!!!!!!!, I can not believe that there are some applicants since 2007 without decision, why all this delay with u?
  15. Ghassan.sultan

    LONDON VO, Information/Timeline/Update

    Re: LONDON VO, Timeline/Update @ssaa & You where you live?
  16. Ghassan.sultan

    Yemeni Applicants

  17. Ghassan.sultan

    Yemeni Applicants

    Hi Any Yemeni in this forum ?
  18. Ghassan.sultan

    LONDON VO, Information/Timeline/Update

    Re: LONDON VO, In Process since Dec 2011 , pls share us your updates Proudly : Yemen
  19. Ghassan.sultan

    LONDON VO, Information/Timeline/Update

    Dear Applicants with LONDON VO Please share us your Information/updates in this threads Thanks (the link to spreadsheet Timeline: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnbjaNpJmKjYdEFuYlVyNmF1Z0RMSTFDQ0tIem5oX0E To contact LONDON Visa Office, Immigration Section, follow this link:-...