hi i want to know that my wife have a baby last month and my case is in process since 24-05-2010 i wana send new born documents pl let me know what documents i have to send and how can i send these (through email or by courier)...
aoa seniors especially mr satarali im kashan .today dated 24-05-2011 my e-status changed to IN-PROCESS and today my 2nd AOR received through email as i was sent them an email equiring my 2nd AOR dated 15-09-2010.please update my information ...and tell me what next step thy do to my case..and pl...
aoa seniors especially mr satarali im kashan .today dated 24-05-2011 my e-status changed to IN-PROCESS please update my information ...and tell me what next step thy do to my case..
i appriciate ur replies anytime...
thanks a lot KHALIDH i have send an email case enquiry to london office for my 2nd AOR and change of email address..
it means a lot to me.
thank u again ..
salam mr staralihaider my online status is as under.and i dont know aor and 2nd aor..pl tell me..
We received your application for permanent residence on January 28, 2010.
We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on March 11, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before...