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  1. wmaitner

    How many people want to give up?

    I love this thread of mine, some of the posts just crack me up..
  2. wmaitner

    How many people want to give up?

    "Any news?" - your mum "Yes, the Queen stopped by for a visit, but you missed her because you were looking into Will's visa. Here's your sign.." - you
  3. wmaitner

    Thread for MAY 2010 applications!!

    From your mouth to CIC's ears.. ;D
  4. wmaitner

    Concerned about Debt

    About that statute of limitations thing, they can sue you for the amount owed.. Once you are sued for it, forget about a statute of limitations, that judgement lasts forever..
  5. wmaitner

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    The fact that yours said medicals received has me nervous, because ours doesn't..
  6. wmaitner

    Thread for MAY 2010 applications!!

    The thing that bothers me is that with the interview waiver came the request for the medicals and the FBI clearance. We emailed an address change, but nothing changed on ecas. No news, even after sending a second FBI letter. I just wish there was a standard web form to let you know your status...
  7. wmaitner

    Thread for MAY 2010 applications!!

    *sigh* This is so damn depressing seeing absolutely no activity on our application. Every time I see someone getting a transfer or a PPR I want to scream and rip my notebook in half. I am so fed up with the total lack of activity or communication. *sigh*
  8. wmaitner

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Wait, wait, wait.. Ecas is supposed to show when the medicals are received???
  9. wmaitner

    Thread for MAY 2010 applications!!

    Bobshynoswife (and anyone else in Edmonton), maybe once I get up there maybe a few of the people who survived this ordeal should get together for dinner or a couple drinks. What do you think?
  10. wmaitner

    How many people want to give up?

    I don't have any sanity left. I am honestly beginning to think that this whole process is just there to ruin lives. We are moving for a better life. Looks like they are just beating us down so we will cower to anything they say. ARGH! The frustration of the wait and that there is no one and...
  11. wmaitner

    Thread for MAY 2010 applications!!

    ARGH! The more I hear of other people's cases actually doing something, the more I want to spit blood! I can't believe there has been no activity on our case in a month. They won't respond to emails. I wonder if they took my second FBI letter and just tossed it in a shredder. I think at...
  12. wmaitner

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    So.. Basically God and the calender are both against us.. :o
  13. wmaitner

    How many people want to give up?

    I am tired of all the fighting. I am tired of the seperation. I am pissed that I missed my daughter's birthday. How many of you reach the end of your rope and want to just say *censored word* it all and give up? I honestly think that is the job of Immigration Canada. Push people to their...
  14. wmaitner

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Well, Buffalo has my second FBI letter now. Signed off by H.CARLAND on Sep 2, 2010 9:42 AM. Now Buffalo, get off your collective arses and give me my damn visa!
  15. wmaitner

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    3000 HSBC Center In the letter that said they needed my medicals (which they showed done, just not in Buffalo), they stated they need my FBI clearance letter (which if you've been following Heather's and my posts, they said they had just three days before sending us a letter saying they needed...
  16. wmaitner

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    My interview was waived August 12th, and we sent off the second FBI clearance letter today, overnight FedEx, with sticker attached to the FBI letter and the envelope it was sent in. Hopefully they won't loose this one, but I did get a backup copy too (dated Sept 30, 2010, so we have a little...
  17. wmaitner

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    But, everything is figured out now. I got the information faxed to a very helpful guy at the FBI, who is forwarding my fax as I type to the right person in the fingerprint area. Hopefully by this time next week I will have FedEx-ed my new FBI letter to Buffalo. This time I was a little...
  18. wmaitner

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Huh? I didn't see that on the paperwork.. *looks again*
  19. wmaitner

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    umm, deadline? The only deadline is having my fingerprints expiring at the FBI. And I REALLY don't want an extension. I want them to figure out what is going on with loosing paperwork and getting their jobs done. Lol!