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Search results

  1. Purkoni

    Got medical within 6 months from Buffalo for FSW

    I can't believe in that.If he can prove that we gonna be very happy. He is probably one of Nectar's frined. :o
  2. Purkoni

    Timeline for FSW Application to CIO-Sydney (and Visa office Buffalo)

    You have to wait approximately 5-6.months for 2AOR.After that 6-8 month for Medical test and 3-5 month for Pasport request and PRR fee. :'(
  3. Purkoni

    Ielts minimum requirement for Skilled worker visa

    There is no minimum for old rules.You need to have 67 points and that is all.But for new applicants after 1.july there will be minimum score for each NOC category.
  4. Purkoni

    Conslutant-cancel or not?

    What would you do in my case? I hire one immigranat consultant who promissed to me in 2006. everything.He sad that I wiil be permanent resident for two years-in 2008. Now is 2011 and I dont have permanent resident status.I am still in Canada with work permit.Almost 6.years. When I call him he...
  5. Purkoni


    Sister Anne55, Did you receive your CAIPS?
  6. Purkoni

    Applications form filed through NS ( CIO ) --> Buffalo (Filed from CANADA)

    Nothing today. I am pessimist 100% about Buffalo in 2011.They did 11.000 FSW applications last year and now going to issue only 7000. :'(
  7. Purkoni

    Buffalo - 2nd AOR between 15th April to 15th May

    Our God please bless all of us.Especially my sister Anne55 beacose we have the same time. :-*
  8. Purkoni

    Buffalo NY "complete application package received date"

    They count time from the date when Sidney transfer your application to Buffalo visa office.From that they you need to count 17.months for Buffalo. In your case you should take your PR status this May or before.Every day is your. 8) Good luck
  9. Purkoni

    Applicants from Serbia

    Добићеш га до маја сигурно.Ја сам послао папире у Бафало 6.априла а 17.септембра сам добио 2АОР. Опуштено.... 8) Брате јел живиш на раскрсници Јанга и Еглинтона?Где оде тамо.... :'(
  10. Purkoni

    Applicants from Serbia

    I ja sam iz Srbije.Cekam preko Bafala takodje.
  11. Purkoni


    This is from Immigration site Citizens of the following countries are subject to a mandatory wait period. Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Croatia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Montenegro, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen
  12. Purkoni

    When application process begin?

    What Mr.Qorax and Proffessional1 can say about this question?
  13. Purkoni

    When application process begin?

    Can you tell me when the appliation process begin?Buffalo processing time is 17.month but i dont know how they count that.Is that: 1.The date when CIO Sydney received your application? 2.The date when Sydney transfer your application to Buffalo? 3.The date when Buffalo sent you new file number...
  14. Purkoni

    CAIPS for people who are in Canada with work permit!

    Dear friends, I saw on this forum that people who are already in Canada with work permits and who applied in Buffalo for Permanent residence can apply for CAIPS for free.Please, can you help me with that.Can somebody please tell me how to apply for that, and how, and where to send? Thak you
  15. Purkoni

    Change in employer on a temporary work permit

    1.Yes,my new employer applied for the new LMO.It is free and not cost anything. 2.I dont know about that.But it will be better if you applied two month before your current Work permit expire.In that case you should not worried about that. 3.I always apply for work permit in Vegreville Alberta.I...
  16. Purkoni

    Ecas : "IN PROCESS" only from Yesterday. RECEIVED BY VO is Gone !

    I dont understand what is IN PROCESS with RBVO details? Is that real IN PROCESS or ERROR? Can anybody give me answer :o
  17. Purkoni

    Change in employer on a temporary work permit

    Of course you can.I did that. I have work permit and waiting for PR in Buffalo. You need to apply for the new LMO and after that for new work permit in Vegrevvile,Alberta. New employer work permit waiting time is only 30 days. Dont worry about that.
  18. Purkoni

    Buffalo - 2nd AOR between 15th April to 15th May

    The same story happend to me two weeks ago.Dont worry about that.Yor address will be returned back for couple days.
  19. Purkoni


    Congatulations Anne 8) We are in the same boat.We hame the almost same time.I am waiting for your CAIPS results too.
  20. Purkoni


    Watch this my friend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX6h-Ut-ZaE&playnext=1&list=PL1B5722F7863DDF9F