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  1. renypaulinj

    what is the significant of sencond AOR?

    what is the significant of second AOR?wheather they are checking all documents when they issuing second AOR?
  2. renypaulinj

    Usually how long to get new passport for newborn baby in India...

    Hi I have received my second AOR from ND visa office, and waiting for my med req. We are expecting a baby in coming month...How long usually the time period to get passport for my baby?
  3. renypaulinj

    "Received by Visa office" status means second AOR attained?pls help

    My online status shows received by visa office.I forwarded my application via an agency and they are not conveying proper information.I am anxious of my second AOR.I submitted my full documents in sept.2010. Is "received by visa office"means that i already got second AOR?I applied through ND...
  4. renypaulinj

    File Xfer to ND CHC for April\May\June 2010

    Hi johny, My first AOR on 21 may,file transfered on 27 may,documents sent on 13 sep please add me too to the thread.....
  5. renypaulinj

    'Received by visa office' means second AOR attained?

    My online status shows received by visa office.I forwarded my application via an agency and they are not conveying proper information.I am anxious of my second AOR.I submitted my full documents in sept.2010. Is "received by visa office"means that i already got second AOR?I applied through ND...
  6. renypaulinj

    Valid visa of another country on the passport can be a problem?

    I am working in another country(applied through CHC of my home country)and holding valid visa of that coutry in my passport.Do I need to cancel this visa from my passport, while i submit passport to the CHC?
  7. renypaulinj

    Can I withdraw fund of proof , after issuing of visa...please response

    You mean i can withdraw my fund?are they really checking in the airport/immigration about these fund?some of my friends say this..is it true?
  8. renypaulinj

    Can I withdraw fund of proof , after issuing of visa...please response

    Can i withdraw proof of fund from my bank account after issuing of visa?Are they checking our fund in the air port immigration or after arrival(I am aware of a minimum amount is necessary for surviving)?If necessary how do we carry money?as travellers cheque?
  9. renypaulinj

    Join all, staying abroad but applied through visa office of home country..

    Hi friends, I submitted my documents in sep 1st week 2010,in ND visa office.And i am working abroad, my concern... 1. How long it will take usually for second AOR in ND visa office? 2. My status shows received by visa office.Usually How long after getting 2 nd AOR,for med req? 3...
  10. renypaulinj

    staying out of country can cause delay...?

    Seniors please reply.... I applied through New Delhi office,submitted my full documents in Sept 2010 and waiting for my second AOR..but i am working in another country(for the last two years and still working)would this can cause further delay in processing?Any one...
  11. renypaulinj

    Full Documents sent in October 2010 New Delhi VO

    hi all, i applied through new delhi office,waiting for my second AOR, the problem is,i am employed out side of my country(still working).Would this cause extra delay in processing my application? please reply....
  12. renypaulinj


    Kind attention seniors,help me in the following doubts:submitted in New Delhi VO in sep first week 1. Waiting for the second AOR..usually how long it will take to get second AOR? 2. At present i am working in one midle-east country and holding the visa of this country.Would there be any...
  13. renypaulinj


    please help me to download all available free ielts books...