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  1. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    Hi, Sasha thats sad. Would u have to get another extension now? My classes r starting on 7 Sep and still waiting. Confused.
  2. K

    Should I withdraw my application?

    @hopefuldxb CONGRATULATIONS. So finally ur patience did bring fruit. pray for us
  3. K

    Should I withdraw my application?

    @hopefuldxb I agree with memberof Ask ur uni how late can u come? Wait until then. After that defer ur admission to next term and send this letter only once u r sure u can't join in this term.
  4. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    @fsohail welcome http://www.path2usa.com/immigration/relatedinfo/visa_interview_mistakes.htm
  5. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    @fsohail check this too http://www.happyschoolsblog.com/f-1-student-visa-tips-no-tricks/
  6. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    @fsohail check this link, you may find it useful. http://www.happyschoolsblog.com/f1-student-visa-interview-questions/
  7. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    @memberof CONGRATULAION! how did u answer what will u do if we reject?
  8. K

    Should I withdraw my application?

    @hopefuldxb Have u been asked to take medical? If u have taken medical then there is still chance that u may get it in time. Ask for ur uni that how late r u allowed to come? And u can defer ur admission to next term. My case is similar. My classes are starting on 7Sep. Still Waiting, after...
  9. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    @mugen were u asked that same program is available here in Pakistan, so why r u going canada? what was ur answer? how did u prove ur ties to homeland?
  10. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    @mugen no interview? whats ur program and uni?
  11. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    @mugen1990 Lots of Congratulations Bro.
  12. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    Hey MMB2K, why do u want to withdraw application? Can u not defer ur admission. It will only cost u a semester rather than a year in case u go to US. Further, I don't think US embassy takes less time on average than Canadian. US dept. of Homeland Security would be even more finicky(I think).
  13. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    @nafri when r ur classes starting and where r u going? Why were u not asked about ur financial resources? Anything special about ur application? Do u know the purpose of Q: Did u aply in any odr country?
  14. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    @ nafri82 Congrats. What did they ask u in interview? Was it on Phone?
  15. K

    CHC in Pakistan

    I heard a similar news from a weight lifter too. He got visa 2 months after the competition.
  16. K

    study permits

    If only final balance shows that much amout, they would might doubts. Its better if past 4 months balance shows enough money in ur account. BTW if u are going to transfer money from someone else's account why don't u show him/her as ur sponsor?
  17. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    Can anyone tell me fax number of CHC? Do they reply emails. I never got one, sent about 5.
  18. K

    Timeline for CHC Islamabad

    Hello Everbody, I submitted my passport on 1st June without police certificate, got objection, applied again on 29 June , reapplied after medical on 24 July, going to UBC(on scholarship TA+RA) for MSc Physics , classes starting on 7 Sep. Still Waiting for visa. I had 3 conversations on phone...