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  1. C


    Yes Congratulations once again to All who have heard news!! That is great to hear. BABY GUSS I am going to guess that the baby is going to be a GIRL
  2. C


    Hellooo Forum Family.... It seems like a loooong time since I last posted. I tried to read all the post but am really tired today. I flew in from Jamaica last night on a late flight arrived home at 240 am and woke up early to bring my son to school and go to work. Ahh man no rest for the...
  3. C


    Update to Lilmya No my husband has not recieved that yet? He is currently in Kingston visiting family and I will be in Jamaica on Wednesday evening. I am not sure when he will recieve one? but I think it would be awesome if he could receive a passport drop off during my stay in Jamaica that...
  4. C


    Nae Nae: Always a pleasure...I consider myself still a newbie even though I joined in early November. I just wanted to thank you for all of your words of wisdom...I know that during your wait you were always quick to answer any questions that I have. I wish you all the best with the ultra...
  5. C


    Congrats phenomenalwoman: This is great news I am so happy for you. It must be a relief...congrats again and hopefully you will get a call back soon for the pp pick up. Well Everyone, I have 3 more sleeps until I am off to Jamaica! to visit my hubby. I went to church today it was great! I...
  6. C


    Happy Friday Everyon! I am so pleased to say I am officially well groomed to see my husband next Wednesday!! I am so happy, although just wondering why I put myself through so much pain getting a brazillian wax....I know what to expect everytime and each time I go....oh my lord... Anyway I am...
  7. C


    Hello Forum Family...How is everyone doing right now? I have just been catching up as much as I can on the posts and today next week I will be in Jamaica...horray! I hope all is well with everyone. Monday night I went to a concert went to go see BARRINGTON LEVY! Yes you heard right BARRINGTON...
  8. C


    Good Evening All, How did everyone do with this time change? SPRING HAS SPRUNG. So Anxious I did read your landing story and I must say 6 BOTTLES! Way to go and Im glad they didnt charge ya for that many bottles. I think that gives us more ideas on the journey for our loved ones when its...
  9. C


    Congratulations Chuckie...GREAT NEWS.... Here is another joke to start off the weekend... You love someone.....you marry someone else. The one you marry becomes your wife or husband and the one you LOVED becomes the password to your EMAIL ID..... I hope some dont get offeneded.... I hope...
  10. C


    Good Early Morning Everyone, I was up doing some research for a course I am taking and it is due on Monday. But man oh man my team members in my group dont work or something because they all decided to meet on a Friday afternoon at 330? WHO DOES THAT! Weird, they ask me whats the best time...
  11. C


    Lilmaya: That is so true... Without this forum I wouldn't know what I would be doing. I find myself overjoyed when I read a family getting a pp call or visa. Its so enjoyable to read and know that everyone in this forum has an understanding of this process. I have a joke: I dont want to...
  12. C


    Good Eveing Forum Family!! Chelley: Yes it is easier said than done when you are going through this process and yes we cant compare timelines. I just want to be reunited with my loved ones and as hard as it is having a long distance relationship (me being in BC) its a long travel time to and...
  13. C


    Wow! What a confused night last night that I had!! Well at least I remembered the story sorry everyone I was having a "Brain Fart" LOL Nae Nae, that is great that your hubby was working for a little bit at least he has some experience. As for the pregnancy I really hope its smooth sailing...
  14. C


    Sorry Butterfly10 I thought it was you who had the step son? Anyway Congratulations again. I live in Beautiful British Columbia, well thats what it says on our license plates LOL..... Who has the step son and hubby coming soon to Canada? Kimore was that you or Charlie D? Anyway, I am always...
  15. C


    JahBEE: Welcome to the forum! I ordered option C printout send it along with my package and they sent it back with a letter once I was approved to sponsor my husband and step daughter. They also required a letter from my current employment and they sent that back as well. I think they will...
  16. C


    Question: What happens if we pay the RPRF in advance does that shorten the process or will the process take just as long? Does anyone know about that? Does it really matter if you pay this fee before or is it better to just submit your application then have them ask for it? I am inquiring...
  17. C


    RPRF is Request for Permanent Resisdent Fee, it is the fee that we have to pay for the permanent resident. Please correct me if I am wrong although that is my understanding.
  18. C


    Big Congrats to you KIMORE! Long wait well worth it. One more question: When you filed did you file for his children to come to Canada as well? or only your husband? I am so happy for you Kimore, this is the best news ever! What a great way to start the week off. I know there tends to be...
  19. C


    Waiting 4 a Star:: I guess I'm a little confused. Were you on this forum before with a different name? or are you new to the forum: if your new welcome! Also Wishing you all the best it's hard times like these that we must trust the process and know that GOD will pull through for these are...
  20. C


    Good Evening Everyone... Lady PoshProper and Remagray I was curious after reading your posts so I checked on CIC website and now my application states: APPLICATION RECEIVED.. I am now wondering if they just reviewed my application in Kingston? This is soo frustrating although I have read...