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  1. saifsmarty

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    how to get screen shots record of skype ? we r not using much skype for last few months but i call em almost every day or after one day as work routine is busy in pk.is it ok if she doesn't call and i call bcoz she knows tht i will keep in touch and ofcoz will call my wife and lil son . i have...
  2. saifsmarty

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    my dear fellows, i did pray for all of u first and then for me in today's juma namaz.we all wil be ok and jaania sister u dont be upset ,calm down ... how much time have they taken in ur case and process ? calm down ,pray and dua with it check ur onlin estatus sometimes ,dont focus too...
  3. saifsmarty

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    coz i used to live in canada before on different visa category. later go gotmaried and came ot pak for process.PRAY FOR EACHOTHER AND SPECIALLY SUBA JUMA HAI .. KHUTBA SUNAIN OR DUA KARAIN OR IJTAMAEY DUA KARAUN GA SAB K LIYE ..INSHALAH AND AMEEN . SATY POSITIVE GUYS
  4. saifsmarty

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    doc khan ,u may get direct from CIC website ,download the link and print out it. ONE OF OUR FREIDN "KNAEEM" has got his passport back with visa .... CHEERS FOR HIM :) i'm waiting for my ppr , plz pray for me . regards ,saif . plz har namaz k bad dua karain sab k liye pahlay...
  5. saifsmarty

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    salam, fellows u r runing and continuing thread of 2010 . what about me .. i'm started in 2007,medicals done march,09 . background done jan,2011.... total wait becomes uptil now 42 months .. which is killing for me ,for my wife and for our lil son in canada. i got a reply frm minister's...
  6. saifsmarty

    do i still need to send proof up dates..??

    * i have been sending my supporting documents when sent my application to embassy and next when they asked additional info like .. our mariage cert, our pics (before weding and after) , our pics living and vsiting diff places, our pics with frends together , our pics with our child including...
  7. saifsmarty

    should i assume tht our process is almost over..?? minister's office reply.

    hi my sweet fellows , * i got a responce from minister's office which stated : CHC ISBD has recieved my medicals and backgorunds and its in queue for a final review to a decision making officer's desk,as it gets reviewed they wil inform me...
  8. saifsmarty

    untill when should i wait ..?????

    yes visa office informed me in jan that my BC is over . its almost end of April and i'm still looking for ppr ......... Oh God its killing nd very lengthy ...
  9. saifsmarty


    defination : a copy of notes (the whole record of ur case) kept at ottawa office , case processing center. by asking these notes u can view whole work of immigration officers done on to ur case . * if u r in side canada then u ask for FOSS notes . * if u r in process our...
  10. saifsmarty

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

  11. saifsmarty

    untill when should i wait ..?????

    * i'm impatiently waiting for my ppr from ISBD embassy now with a repeat medical (as my medical was done in march ,09 and ofcoz has been expired). my background checks are over in jan 15th,2011 . i want to know that where do i stand in process now .. as all is done and should i expect a medical...
  12. saifsmarty

    Live-in Caregiver married to failed Refugee Claiment!!

    keep in mind .it will take him to go back to canada more than 4 years or may be more .... its very lengthy in Islamabad. plz contact me asap before ur husband leaves or u have a date for ur pr in mississauga . i can explain few imp things to u in this case . "saif_smarty2003@yahoo.com "...
  13. saifsmarty

    how long "PPR takes after back ground checks done from ISBD embassy" ???

    hi fellows , hope ur cases r going on fast and right track.. wish u best of luck all. ONE OF OUR FELLOW HAS JUST GOT HIS PASPORT BACK WITH IMMIGRANT VISA "a family settlement case" FROM ISLAMABAD EMBASSY.his id is "Knaeem" ,who has been participating in this forum...
  14. saifsmarty

    lawyer's fee ,is it true ??

    thx,ur responce is very supportive and helpfull .i'm quoting below what i got in writen from my lawyer : lawyer wrote >>Please let me know how you wish to settle this so we can process your acse to a successful conclusion. We do not expect difficulties. I await your response...
  15. saifsmarty

    lawyer's fee ,is it true ??

    hi guys , * my case has taken a lengthy time and i called my attorney and asked him to check that if there is some prob/hold on my case..!! he told me that he wil and he guarantess that he will get my case doen quikly now 'as so long time is gone', but if i pay him my...
  16. saifsmarty

    does election effect on embassy work?

    thx alot rjessome for ur kind and informative replies in the time of worries. well, im away from my wife and son for 46 months now..medicals , background is over in jan 2011 and its 11th april today .where is my ppr request frm embassy bro ??? isn't must be here now as all is done ..!!
  17. saifsmarty

    does election effect on embassy work?

    hi , does it effect on embassy's working speed that ..canada has elections in coming month or after that? * is family re-unfication is still one of the top priority for immigration deppt in forigen emvbassies like ISBD ?thx
  18. saifsmarty

    Landing this week :) List of goods is driving me bonkers :)

    gud luck yar , pray for me too. i'm waiting for my ppr frm Islamabad office,41 months r gone for my process.i miss my little son and wife ..r waiting for me in canada,i cant tel my feelings and vry happy for u. gud luk again.
  19. saifsmarty

    happy but nervous too

    hmm , which was ur category ? yeh ur time is also long but at last u got ppr and hav sent pasport. lets discuss further via e-mail " saif_smarty2003@yahoo.com ".i think,it will help us both to discuss and unserstand scenarios in a much better way,thx. wats ur e-mail ?
  20. saifsmarty

    related to bank statement

    hi, the best is .. if u want visa aprovel ,u must have a statment for last 4 to 6 months (showing with ending balance of at least 30 lakh), if have problem aranging that then u may go for loan letter from bank .u can talk to ur bank abt it ..u get it in 2 days aftr puting money in acount ...