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  1. RandysGirl


    We need a name for the mirror hanging businass... How about "Backside reflactions"
  2. RandysGirl


    Our house is in Westmoreland but not in Negril. We spend most of our time in Sav area, I am not a fan of Negril anymore although I ove the cliffs I prefer beaches like Bluefields or swimming in the river near our house. I am excited to see our dog and I bought lots of treats and new toys for him...
  3. RandysGirl


    9 more sleeps for me I'm so excited!!! Well its good news Thursday everyone come on Kingston, put the solitaire game away!!!!!!
  4. RandysGirl


    Mabe just mabe there was a delay in sending his medicals forward, who knows anything can happen NMH I have fingers crossed for you!!
  5. RandysGirl


    Geeze its quiet here.... Hi everyone!!!! Congrats to my girl NMH!!!! So happy for you what a great way to end summer, he will be here to watch the leaves start to change colours fall is my favorite season. I have decided to go home and see hubby for a few days 7 months is so long to be apart...
  6. RandysGirl


    Happy friday everyone, hope you have a great weekend!
  7. RandysGirl


    Yes Charlie you are right, it is out of our hands. After spending the day in bed today and feeling sorry for myself about what my MP told me, I have had a shower, taken a deep breath and remembered that nothing really can be done but keep busy, continue loving my husband and try to keep positive...
  8. RandysGirl


    Just got off the phone with my imm consultant he wants me to apply for a multiple entry visa. I just really feel that its pointless, I just cannot imagine going like this for another 8 months, but I guess we do what we have to do..
  9. RandysGirl


    Ugh I could cry (well to be honest, I am) just got off the phone with my MP and she was told by imm that my application is in process and my BF date is- get this- APRIL 15 2012!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF??
  10. RandysGirl


    Good morning forum family Yay. A new week and its good news Monday. Just waiting for my MPs office to open this morning as they were closed on friday and I had to go through the whole weekend wondering why she called me on Thursday... We had some wicked wicked weather here yesterday, what I...
  11. RandysGirl


    Ok its Friday, Kingston one more call (or 2) you can do it!!!!! I missed the call from my MP yesterday and I'm waiting patiently for her office to open (I'm in the parking lot LOL!!) Its gonna be a greeat weekend my first weekend off all summer. My husbands Auntie died yesterday I so wish I...
  12. RandysGirl


    Propes I am holding my breath I want you to get that call TODAY!!!!
  13. RandysGirl


    Wow 25 bucks for 5 pages!!! I find it totally crazy they cannot accept an email. Well LW at least hes coming home!!! and wow to your plane ticket$$ for one way.
  14. RandysGirl


    Soon come Mrs P, soon come. ;D
  15. RandysGirl


    Well, I will look for you at the airport that day LOL at this point my husband says he is going straight from the HC to the airport....
  16. RandysGirl


    So Props when your hubby get the call, will he be flyin into Toronto??
  17. RandysGirl


    you and me both :P now that I have a blackberry I am super obsessed, i keep expecting an ecas update any second, its like a twitch.....
  18. RandysGirl


    I met with my MP last week, she was lovley and very compassionate. How long should I give her for a response? I think I will give her till friday lol... my immigration consultant sent a letter of inquiry 2 weeksa ago and I sent an email inquiry last week, Kingston is going to want to rid of our...
  19. RandysGirl


    :)Proper whens your Anniversary?? Ours is the 4th of September, I still say our hubbies are gonna share the flight home!!!!!
  20. RandysGirl


    Wow good mornin peeps!!!! CONGRATULATIONS Irving !!!!!!!!!!! Now that's the way to start the week! Come on Kingston let's keep em coming!!!