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  1. saad0411

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    Hi, OmMona, No there was no waiting letter, I directly received MR on 14.06.2012 which was issued on 08.06.2012. Regards, Saad
  2. saad0411

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    Hi, how much is the fee for adults as well as Child under 5 years of age. Regards, Saad
  3. saad0411

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    Hi Biju, Hope you're well today, with the grace of ALMIGHTY ALLAH I have received MR few days back along with updated documents & UAE PCC request. Please tell me which DMP in Dubai is good to book my appointment? Regards, Saad
  4. saad0411

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    Yes, It's a good news you'll get MR very soon. Inshallah
  5. saad0411

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    Yes, indeed... but how do know that? is there any published news reference?
  6. saad0411

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    Congratulation!!! it seems that 4131 isn't only getting refusal but MR:)
  7. saad0411

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    IDP is valid for one year. Regards, Saad
  8. saad0411

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    Hi Biju, Got it, much appreciated the way you guided. I am working on the same lines and will send them e-mail tonight. Hard copies will send by courier. I got reference letter from my director but that's on a plain paper with his signature and company seal. Attaching my JD as well singed by...
  9. saad0411

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    Dear Biju, I sent you PM, waiting your valuable reply. Regards, Saad0411
  10. saad0411

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    Please recheck NOC list, there is nothing like 2132, 2232 or 2253. You may have to wait for untill end June or early July 2012. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who-instructions.asp#list
  11. saad0411

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    Hi Biju, I sent you a PM, please reply at your convenient time. Regards, Saad0411
  12. saad0411

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    Dear MASunny, I got encouragement from you guys and preparing for all the possible proofs to send them today Inshallah. I explained this issue to my boss and he is happy to provide reference letter highlighting main job responsibilities. Pray for me, Ishallah I'll come through. Regards, Saad0411
  13. saad0411

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    Many thanks, Kashif, I am preparing for the same now and will send them Inshallah today. Regards, Saad0411
  14. saad0411

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    Hi Kashif, What kind of proofs did you send them? I am planning to make an appeal against my refusal and also want to send some proofs so that my case (Inshallah) would be re-considered. Regards, Saad0411
  15. saad0411

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    Congratulations Khalid for getting your MR.
  16. saad0411

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    Sir Qorax, I PM you day before yesterday and waiting your reply. Need your useful suggestions, please PM me at earliest possible time. Regards, Saad0411
  17. saad0411

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    Hi MASunny, I got PM, many thanks for the help. Regards, Saad0411
  18. saad0411

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    MASunny, If that is the case then please give me details of your friend so that I can ask him directly. Please PM me asap. Thanks for your help. Regards, Saad0411
  19. saad0411

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    Yes, I checked that and found very helpful. Thanks a lot Khalid. Regards, Saad0411