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  1. C

    Photos for Application

    I've been getting a little confused about how many photos we need to submit when applying through the outland process through Buffalo. The guide says "Supply four (4) recent photos for each member of your family and yourself." We have 4 photos, but I keep reading of people submitting many more...
  2. C

    Sponsor Checklist versus Immigrant's Checklist

    Yes, we were actually told to include them twice!!! I couldn't believe it! In terms of the order of the immigrant's forms, which would we follow? the sponsor guide or the immigrant guide? do i put the Spouse/Partner Questionnaire first or the Additional Family Information first.
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    Sponsor Checklist versus Immigrant's Checklist

    There is a checklist in the Sponsor forms that indicate the order of the forms and supporting documents. There is also a checklist in the appendix a of the immigrant's forms. The order of the forms requested is not the same. I assumed we would follow the sponsor's checklist and it would not be a...
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    A few questions on sponsorship form and checklist

    mitamata, Thanks for replying. I was confused because there is Name and then Client Date of Birth, which seemed to refer to two people. I wanted to make sure I knew what to provide. I am sponsoring my husband. I am clear now that I don't need checklist item # 19. For #18 I just wasn't sure if...
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    A few questions on sponsorship form and checklist

    Thanks again for your response. You have been very helpful. Do you know about: About the receipt for payment and the client birthdate and client id? I assume since I'm the payer all information is about my except those two portions, which wold be my husband's birthdate and client id? So to...
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    A few questions on sponsorship form and checklist

    I am so closing to submitting the forms. It's getting exciting. 1. I printed the receipt after paying the sponsorship and immigration fees online. I need to fill out. I assume Name would be me as well as address, as I made the payment. However the client date of birth and client ID would be my...
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    Putting together the sponsor application

    Thanks, msgomez! I few more questions, if you don't mind. Where do you put the checklist, at the end or at the start? If some forms do not apply to you, such as Statutory Delcaration of Common-Law Union, Use of a Representative, and Medical Condition Statement, do you still include them and...
  8. C

    Putting together the sponsor application

    I've now completed all the sponsor application forms, and I had a question about how to put it all together. I am including all forms, even if they don't apply, and just writing NOT APPLICABLE at the top. 1) Is there a particular order the forms should be sent in? Based on what I've read it...
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    Monthly Salary/Income

    SPONSOR QUESTIONNAIRE For question 7 you need to provide month salary/income. -Is this net or gross? Other questions seem to be net, so I assume that is what I should put. -How do you answer this piece if the job has spanned 7 years? Is it supposed to be an average or the latest "monthly salary??
  10. C

    Questions about Sponsor forms

    Thanks for your help, Rasha. What about: SPONSOR QUESTIONNAIRE 1. For question 7 you need to provide month salary/income. How do you answer this piece if the job has spanned 7 years? Is it supposed to be an average or the latest monthly salaray? DOCUMENT CHECKLIST We need to provie the...
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    Questions about Sponsor forms

    I have 3 questions about a few of the sponsor forms. SPONSOR QUESTIONNAIRE 1. For question 7 you need to provide your employer over the last 5 years. The company I work for was acquired by another company, so I've had continuous employment with the same company for 7 years. When answering this...
  12. C

    Appendix C medical exam

    My husband has an appointment for his medical exam on Monday. I know we need to bring Appendix C as well as photos to this appointment. My question is, for the Visa Office, what do we put? We are applying through the Buffalo office as he has been in Canada for over 2 years. However, we do need...
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    Sponsoring my british husband

    Thanks again, PMM. One other question. I have now paid the fees (including right of permanent residence) online to the Missisauga office. The official receipt we need to fill out. I made the payment (I am the sponsor) so do I put my details on the receipt or should it be the person I'm...
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    Sponsoring my british husband

    Thanks for replying PMM. One further question, I've read the following: "You may submit your application for permanent residence to the Regional Program Centre in Buffalo if you have been lawfully admitted to Canada or the United States for a period of at least one year." I took this to mean...
  15. C

    Sponsoring my british husband

    Hello, I am trying to sponsor my british husband who is living in Canada with me. We have gotten back his police check and are putting together other required information. A few questions: 1) will he need to do a medical exam with the out of country process, or only if requested? 2) I am in the...
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    Original photos?

    I have a bunch of digital photos I'd like to print to send in with my husband's application. Am I ok to print them in black and white on regular paper, or do I need to actually get them processed at a photo shop?
  17. C

    How to sponsor my british husband?

    Hello, I am a Canadian citizen and my husband is British. He has been living in Canada with for almost two years on a work permit. We were married this past October. I would like to apply to sponsor my husband for permanent residency. It appears that if we apply within Canada he may have...