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  1. P

    AINP from H-1B submitted Aug10

    Actually I'm aslmost reday to submit application for skilled worker category. I was supposed to submit last Nov. But my IELTS socre was not so good. I retake test, unfortunately overall score was same. I asked my lawyer advice and he said go on with the same score. So soon I'm going to submit...
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    AINP from H-1B submitted Aug10

    I haven't paid money yet. I thought when I am nominated for Canada I have to pay. Is that wrong? I am using lawyer for this case. And via lawyer I received confirmation e-mail from Alberta they received my documents and they are processing. Just in case, I'm almost ready to submit another...
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    AINP from H-1B submitted Aug10

    Hi all. I submitted documents Aug 10. Almsost exact day Alberta shutted down receiving application form. I received confirmation from Alberta they received my documents and processing. But I don't hear anything from then about nominee. I already have a job offer. But already 5month have passed...
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    Score consistency of retaking IELTS

    Thank you for advice, makes great sense. I also asked my lawyer. I will allpy for skilled worker category. Score 6.5 & 7.0 is a big difference. With my current score I cannot gain any points from English. But my lawyer suggested me to submit with my current score. Maybe he thought same as your...
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    Score consistency of retaking IELTS

    I took IELTS twice. Last time my score was L 6 R 6 W 6.5 S 7.5 overall 6.5 After 2month my score was L 7.5 R 6.5 W 6 S 6 overall 6.5 I personally feel I have least speaking skill of all. Last time my examiner could be more generous than last time. Acturally I was surprised with this result. And...
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    Russia's Police Clearance Certificate

    He already received it. It took 1month. Currently hi lives in Russia. I'm Jaoanese. I requested mine for Japanese police they issued in English. So I was wondering if Russia issuse police clearance in English or not.
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    Russia's Police Clearance Certificate

    Hi My husband is Russian. He recently requested police clearance in Russia. But he said he only could receive it in Russian. For application, it should be translated in English. How do they do police clearance in Russia? Is there any service of translation?
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    IELTS on 25th of Sep

    Right You have so much better points than I do. I don't know exactly how much points I have now. But according to my lawyer, my points barely meet menimum points. Since there's so many applicants for skilled worker category, I'd better have extra points from English. So I'm trying.
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    IELTS on 25th of Sep

    Dr. Hasib I can't access the free test. There's survery required. And I took 1, but it didn't allow me to download the free test.
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    IELTS on 25th of Sep

    Dr. Hasib I alreday have a job offer. So I don't have to worry about cap. My lawyer also recommended me to retake test asap. Anyway I cannot schedule for the test this month. So I'll take next month.
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    IELTS on 25th of Sep

    Dr. Hasib Thank you. I received your link. I plan to retake test Nov. I'll work hard.
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    IELTS on 25th of Sep

    I took the test on Sep 25th in LA. The result was different from what I was expecting. I consider myself speaking ability is the worst generally. But on the test the topic was easy for me and my sales skill worked. I could make a good conversation with examiner. Listening last part was very...
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    Need tip for IELTS

    Thank you everybody for response. I bought Barron's book and took the test. It's much easier than actual test. Practice on this website is much harder and more practical. Anyway I'll do my best.
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    Need tip for IELTS

    Hello everyone. I just took IELTS last month. I'm asian and I've lived in U.S. for 7 years. My overall score was 6.5. Since my point for skilled worker barely meets minimum points, my lawyer recommended me to retake test. Is there anybody who retake IELTS test and get better score? I expected my...
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    Russian police clearance requesting in US

    Coffee Thank you for responding. My husband's police clearance was very simple like you wrote. I feel much better.
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    Russian police clearance requesting in US

    Thank you everybody for responding. I understand Russian consultate in U.S. issue police clearance. But my point is the police clearance which my hubands received is written by Russian consultate and the statement said there's no criminal record according to Russian police record.... I assume...
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    Russian police clearance requesting in US

    Coffee Did you also request police clearance from U.S.?
  18. P

    Russian police clearance requesting in US

    Hello everyone. My husband is Russian and currently living in U.S. Recently he requested police clearance from Russian agency in U.S. and he received it. But the letter was issued from Russian Consultate at San Francisco. We are wondering is police clearance supposed to be issued by consultate...