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  1. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    helo all our rsidential address also again appear but no further updates still waiting 2nd AOR? still along way ahead :o
  2. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    hi our residential address also disappear again do know that whts they are doing? we have not got our 2nd AOr yet.
  3. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    dear my ECASE is also showing now mailing address again but still no 2nd AOR whn i will get my 2nd AOR waiting waiting waiting :P
  4. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    hi fellows i have same situations my status is RBVO recived our full documents to london visa office on 20th jan its showing pending review and no 2nd AOR and i am also may applicant
  5. shela

    Never Lose Hopes, You will win. Here is my Story.

    dear its very inspiring story pray for us as well dear we still waiting our 2nd AOR we have still long way
  6. shela

    Decision Made

    Dear All Our application status now change from IN PROCESS to RBVO and subdetails shows that our initial application reaching date, and its also showing that our medical results reach there while we did not send any and it shows that our complete application reach there and it is in pending...
  7. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    hello we sent our complete documnts to london visa office on 17 jan 2011 and they reached there on 20th jan 2011 our Ecase status is showing in pocess and subdetails are your application are received on 7th may 2010 now got ur complete documnts and ur application now pending review. :(.when...
  8. shela

    Any one recieved 2nd AOR from London CHC

    Dear all in our ecase we r getting in process and when we open in process it shows that ur application in pending review our full documnts and application reached CHC London on 20 jan will seniors guide whats that mean thanx Regards.
  9. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    i have some problem kindly resolve it we get our AOR when we submit our application in may 2010 we write my father name which is haq nawaz now on my educational certificates its malik haq nawaz now whn i send the documents again can i write it correctly and will it be question mark for london...
  10. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    Sir Kindly tell me that we have to send our original trnascripts of degree to VO and wether we have to attest our transcript from HEC or just have to put our trnascript in university envlop and what abut matric and inter certificates and kindly tell me that uni will give the envelop thn we can...
  11. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

  12. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    hello all by the grace of ALLAH we have recieved our frst AOR today just half an hour before on 18th oct now plz tell us seniors that what we have to do and what documents needed for next plz guide us.
  13. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    hello seniors one thing i like to know that i hav come to know that our DD has been charged on 13 augest 2010 but not yet recieved AOR and in our application we mention islamabad VO instead of LONDON VO now i am worried that is it the reason of delay of first AOR. Plz guide me i will be...
  14. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    hey guyz our DD get cash by the bank of montreal on 13th august 2010 while our application reach there on 6th may 2010 but we did not recieve any AOR yet, will any one tell whats going on in CIC.
  15. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    hey every one will any one tell the CIC contct number ? can we ask them abut our first AOR whn it will reach
  16. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    i m may 6 candidate but we did not receive any news from cic did any one from 6th may got its first AOR.
  17. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    hello all Did any one of 6th may 2010 has recieve its AOR because our documents recieve NS on 6th may but there is still no response from them.
  18. shela

    allama iqbal open university?

    i am also MBA marketing from AIOU in 2009 while i clear my papers in 2008 dec and got my degree in aug 2009 my principle applicant is my spouse and in pre assessmnt we have 69 points it mean if they not accept my degree then we will come on 67.
  19. shela

    **** MAY 2010 APPLICANTS ****

    hello all we have sent our documents on 30th april and the reached \NS on 6th may 2010 but we not got any reply from them will any one tell the reason of it because now we r getting worried of too much late regards.