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  1. G

    Good news ....We think...

    the gov. is as always secretive and very slow,they may ask for more documents and they may not but they will inform you when they have need to...it's a long painfull wait I know but just hold tight and submit what they ask for-good luck
  2. G

    Medical Expire..Now when our medical will come..?

    if your medical is expired they will likely ask for a new one-but i would wait until they ask for it to get another one done so you do not have the same problem again.good luck
  3. G

    We Got It!!!!! Indonesian spouse

    happy for you both-just sit tight,it will come
  4. G

    divorce filled by sponsor after arrival in canada and cliamed for marriage fraud

    if your ex sponsored you he is financially responsible for you for 3 years,you will not get deported-you have been sponsored and the sponsorship still stands and it carved in stone for 3 years-if he wanted to prove a fraudulant marriage-he would have had to do it befor the pr was granted-good...
  5. G

    IMM 0008 Details of Family Memebers Photos

    it asks for pictures of family members but you only need to submit pics of them if THEY are coming-if it is just your wife coming then you need only submit pictures for her-make sure they are passport pics with a WHITE background or they will not be accepted,when I submitted pics for my wife-I...
  6. G

    Medical Dilemna...any input is welcome.

    if you are hiv posative,they will not consider you for sponsorship-this is why they have medical tests to prevent such cases from entering canada and possibly infecting canadians.Mabey she will move there?but honestly you need to sit down together and ask what kind of relationship it will be if...
  7. G

    After Enter to canada can apply Divorce?

    if you have sponsored her,remember you are responsible for her finacially for 3 years-re: if she goes on welfare,you'll be getting the bill.
  8. G

    Would the economical slow down increase or decrease PR applications?

    if government workers are affected at embasies due to cutbacks it may cause a slower processing time but aside from that it will depend on individual case if people decide to "run" or 'tough it out" where they are at now.I noticed that the processing times from manila have increased slightly.
  9. G


    if you reserch processing times online,they may give you the listed times-try typing in pr aplication waiting times-you should get a list of options-good luck,sorry I can't help more
  10. G

    Criminal Charges

    as long as a registered lawyer has sent a signed letter-I can't see them holding anything back from proceeding,in time they may ask for an original court document but I would worry about that when they ask for it.Save all the papers you can supporting yourself in case(I would not send any...
  11. G

    Want to get settled before filing PR of family

    I am not sure about the point system but usually for a small fee 50-100$ an immigration lawyer will provide a counsiltation,mabey some professional answers would serve you best-good luck
  12. G

    Sponsoring a son.. (Dependent Children). What is next step?

    I am going through the same steps with my wife through manila,as I am told additional info is a good sign that things are moving along-they asked for hers 5 weeks ago and have now asked for final payments which means things are close to being finished.Typically the government does things at...
  13. G

    How to organize your application question? Any suggestions?

    Income is of no relivence to sponsor but proof you are supporting her/him is always good,another thing that may help is to have him/her on your life insurance as the benificiary and the same with your work if you have a small policy through them.If you have many folders I would place them all in...
  14. G

    In distress - please help

    My dear,this does not sound like the kind of man you should planning your life with,he was fully aware of his sponsorship reqirements when he signed-if he is not giving you an explination why you cannot come and is threatening you I would seriously re-asses your situation. In your position I...
  15. G

    Live In Caregiver Program

    there should be contact info on the letter sent to you,mabey the best thing is to contact them and ask for more details about what they expect-that may give some clarity to your situation-good luck
  16. G

    getting married with a refugee claimant status

    sounds complicated,hehehe. Most immigration lawyers will charge a very small fee for a counsiltation (50-1000$) I think it would be good to get some professional advise to see what the next best step is.There mat be some in your area or you may have to travel a little but it helps so much to...
  17. G

    Is there significance to the letters in the Applicants File Number ?

    I am not sure if the letters at the end are important,it may just specify sponsorship classification re:spousal,common law. The processing times online are usually worst case scinerio so I wouldent get too upset but they may indeed be that long,I have been waiting 6 months so far for my wife and...
  18. G

    Medical for Immigration before even Marriage

    1-sure,it is good for 12 months,befor marriage is ok,2-they might keep the medical on record but it won't be valid if it is over 12 months old for immigration 3-the most recent medical is the one immigration will use as past medical situations may have improved or worsend in that time.hope...
  19. G

    Form IMM5540E

    would any of your family have a copy or knowledge of these "past addresses" ? mabey old tax returns could help.
  20. G

    April 2009 Manila Outlanders

    Re: Any April Outlanders waiting on CPC-Mississauga? the gov. is famous for taking thier sweet time,I'd wait a bit as they usually take some time to notify people of application statuses-good luck