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  1. V

    Interesting news article re:imminent changes

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper answered your rhetorical questions in his close door interview in BC with minority journalist. Cons are trying to take credit for fixing problems Harper government created through Calamity Jason Kenney.....excerpt below about Harper's opinion on Canadian...
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    is longer residency requirement really possible?

    The qualification time is not an issue to most people, it could be 10 year for all I care however the uncertainty regarding applicants citizenship processing time is no brainer
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    is longer residency requirement really possible?

    From what I have read it seem the longer residency period will pass as most mps are in support of it. However the database on family tree which can be access by foreign spy agency plus the "birth tourists" is giving liberals and ndp concern.
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    Temporary pause on Citizenship Applications ?

    Re: Temporary pause on Citizenship Applications I doubt Chris Alexander will follow that route. He is not as bellicose as Jason Kenney who think he is a prime minister material and need to achieve that ambition via xenophobia.....Xenophobia sell any time in western world if you open that...
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    I Love Canada

    Canada is the greatest on earth!!!! Canada is teaching the world how different races can live together side by in harmony And let us all pray Harper and is good for nothing bunch will not change the good image of Canada built by successive conservative and Liberal government before they are...
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    Interesting news article re:imminent changes

    That Canada is a a great country is unquestionable that is why most immigrants choose Canada out of all countries, however if Harper and his hillbillly reform conservatives gang are not sent packing back to Calgary in the next election we are all doom
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    Interesting news article re:imminent changes

    I totally agree with you however I wish to add race to the bottom went full throttle since 2008 when Harper got majority. He even boasted that after he transform Canada no one will recognize it. I live in London England where there is little community cohesion with various community enclaves...
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    Interesting news article re:imminent changes

    I accept my bad he was minister when I arrive. However he didn't have the time to wreak havoc in the immigration system. Ask those folks that applied after he started his madness, I am sure they too wouldn't have anything nice to say. Where wait time balloon up to 10 years with close to a...
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    Interesting news article re:imminent changes

    Leon, You made it sound so easy in an economy where Canadians are finding it difficult to even get jobs and we talking of guest worker seeking someone to sponsor him. Horror stories I read frequently on how temporary workers are being treated I guess is figment of my imagination. Only few month...
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    Interesting news article re:imminent changes

    Diane Finley was the immigration Minister when my PR came through, then I was on highly skilled migrant visa in England. would I have taken up the visa if I knew the havoc minister Jason will unleash on Canada immigration.....I seriously doubt it.
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    Interesting news article re:imminent changes

    Oh yea because Jason Kenney said so it must be true......Jason Kenney increase immigration number by gutting Federal skilled worker program with permanent resident status in favour migrant guest worker who are paid 15% less than Canadian citizen for doing the same job and are sent home...
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    Interesting news article re:imminent changes

    I have problem with skin colour so I married a British of Jewish extraction and my kids are mix.....Give your head a shake dude! From your post it is obvious critical reasoning and reading comprehension skill is not your strong point as shown from your last debate about your LMO application...
  13. V

    Interesting news article re:imminent changes

    "Juvenile racists? LOL. Torontosm is a Pakistani. Ha ha ha. Sure I saw some Pakistanis pandering to racists!. Ha ha you think some people don't think they are glorified white men.
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    Interesting news article re:imminent changes

    Reading Torontosm childish drivel here is really nauseating, trying to be more catholic than the pope hey! In his twisted mind, it's all bad if a first generation immigrants decide to reside outside Canada after attaining citizenship but OK for Caucasian "Sun birds" to reside in Florida or...
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    Interesting news article re:imminent changes

    Harper brand of conservatism is the same in Europe and USA. They peddle racism and xenophobia disguise as national policy. Nothing will change about the citizenship backlog and it will continue to grow. Conservative party is old white men's club. Tory party is aware new immigrants are engaged...
  16. V

    GOT THE VISAS!!!!!!!!

    Many thanks A_square for the info. I will inquire from Fedex after the weekend. Which telephone number did you use to contact CHC Accra?... Using the telephone number on their website, the visa section just relay automated message. Did you use a special number? Cheers mate Vic
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    GOT THE VISAS!!!!!!!!

    Hello A-Square, Congratulation in getting your visa, Thank God, the long wait is over. I just receive passport request from Accra yesterday, they have given me 60 days to send ny passport for stamping. I need your advice on the best way to send my passports to Accra for the visa stamping...
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    Help guys.....I made a stupid mistake

    Thats no problem....Just send the additional pay stubs along with an explanation note. Hope this help Vic
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    Escaping from Africa.

    KGB, Please save us the gory details of the trevails of white people in South Africa. In as much as i abhor violence against any of Gods creation, I dont appreciated the manner you are denigrating blacks in South Africa as if there is a national policy of genocide. Moreover the violence in...
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    CHC ACCRA GUYS.......FINALLY......I GOT PPR!.............

    Congratulation A-square!! Its sooo nice to hear good news considering the time and effort one has invested in the visa application process. I pray I'll be hearing more good news like this. I advice you send your visa in as soon as possible, this is not the last time to procastinate. I saw...