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  1. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    I believe you should buy on landing if you know where you would like to live, location is the key. It makes no sense to pay a landlord about CAD$ 20,000 when the same amount is good for downpayment on CAD$400,000 house. You will eventually buy a house on mortgage except if you are a politician...
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    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    Ok, was at the bank today to make inquiries about the mortgage for house purchase...I must not stay in this rented house beyond the end of lease date. It is not so easy adapting to life as a tenant after living in my own house for several years. Could have bought a house on my arrival but...
  3. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    A decent accommodation outside of Toronto will cost about CAD$1,600 per month (CAD$19,200 per annum). With Canadian dollar doing head to head with US dollar, that is about N3 Million per annum excluding utilities (power, water, phone, tv subscription). Bros na VGC level be that oh! You can get...
  4. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    The gist continues... Finally got round to doing the written test for the driver's license and got my G1 despite the drivetest workers' strike (since Aug 24th, think say na only naija dey strike fro long). Hopefully the strike will be called off next week and I can do the road test before the...
  5. T

    am eligible for OHIP right away or would have to wait 3months

    soj, Thought you are done with this issue? You can't use Ontario if you wont be here 3 months before your wife's EDD. I believe Alberta is some 4-5 hours away. The time for OHIP does not start counting from the landing date but from when you establish residence, you will be required to show...
  6. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    Neyo, Canadian public elementary schools are free, no fees to pay. Daycare cost money and can be pretty expensive but it varies so you have to check with the one closest to your residence. Kids don't start elementary school until they are 6 years old, so you have 2 of your kids in daycare!
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    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    soj, cool then..hope you don't plan on staying in Manitoba permanently? Not sure what the job situation is like ove there. All the best.
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    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    Wrong post, bro. Don't derail this thread, it's meant to share experience after landing not about the waiting game.
  9. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    soj, I forgot to add that even with OHIP, you have to wait for 3 months to get your OHIP card and have health coverage. Not a bad idea if your wife can get into Ontario like 4 months before her EDD; that way her coverage starts a month before her EDD.
  10. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    Sir K, (1) I always use either of KLM or Air France, of course with stopover in Amsterdam or CDG. There is no direct flight from naija to Canada; Lufthansa may be your best bet to Calgary but you should shop around (thank God for internet). Book online so you don't pay too much if you use travel...
  11. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    soj, You mean the OHIP form? It can be mailed to you but you have to be there for processing (your picture will be taken on the spot). Pls check around very well about the medical so you don't spend too much money. You can try the midwife route if it's possible but it may depend on your wife's...
  12. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    Odeks my brother, There is no basis for comparison although all countries have their bad sides. It will be an unfair comparison because naija is still sleeping. Life is different here in all ways, opportunities, education, health care, entertainment, freedom of speech, etc. Just to numerous to...
  13. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    Hi megastu12, You almost derail my thread! Ok, I will think of what to fine you..how about longer processing time for a start? Don't try me oh, am a prophet. Seriously, just move on with your life and let them transfer your file as they like. They must answer you and give you what you applied...
  14. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    Odeks, Sure, you can come back to naija to arrange things...I mentioned in an earlier response that we took everything except furniture, tv and vehicles. Not sure of the minimum rent in BC, I live in ON. Forget about the plan for the suburb except if you and your wife wont be working, there are...
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    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    canadaforsure, Hey man! You gotta live up to your name..you will be in before you even know it. All the best.
  16. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    soj, It's been a while but trust that you are doing well with your family. Yes, am in Ontario but not living in Toronto. Decided against Alberta because it's further West, will cost more from naija and generally colder than ON. The free health care from day 1 couldn't buy me over, I waited 3...
  17. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    mot.. Yes. its been a while but we are keeping the faith. Thanks for your prayers, your PR visas will come sooner than you expect. Am in Ontario, living in the city above Toronto! I rented a place to have the flexibility of looking around, understanding Ontario before deciding on where to...
  18. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    don_c, I personally don't have issues yet but some of my friends have been attending interviews and hearing comments on Canadian experience. Am not in IT, my field is natural science. Yes, some folks do get jobs in record time but it depends on the field. Trust me that nurses have jobs waiting...
  19. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    Neyo, Am in Ontario.
  20. T

    Naija - Aluta Continua!

    Hi All, Apologies for MIA, have been traveling and couldn't check back here earlier than now. Will attempt to answer all of the questions raised; hopefully somebody can find something useful here. tito