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  1. Z

    Double Check in Settlement Fund

    anyone knows this please?
  2. Z

    Double Check in Settlement Fund

    hi, On the application form, I said I would bring $25,000 as settlement fund. I had about $25,000 3 month ago but I only have $14,000 on bank account now. CIC wants to see my last 6 months statement. Will my recent statements be okay? I am single applicant. Thank you!
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    Questions on Payment of Right of Permanent Residence Fee

    HI, I just paid Payment of Right of Permanent Residence Fee online. After the payment is made, CIC sent me an PDF. On that PDF file, do I need to fill out payer's information again (payer is the same person as applicant)? If so, what is the client ID on that sheet? Do I need to fill that out...
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    Which website to check Medical Exam Results?

    I went to an eMedical enabled physician to do the medical exam. She said she already uploaded everything back to CIC. Is there a website or something to check it?
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    Settlement fund question for FSW

    So in another word, I don't need to show a bank statement that I have $25,000 even I said $25,000 is the settlement fund that I can bring in the application form?
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    Settlement fund question for FSW

    Hi, I received an email from Canada immigration service on Updated evidence of settlement funds for showing 6 months deposits/ withdrawals history for yourself. On the application form, I say I can have $25,000 as the settlement fund. However, I withdraw some money from that bank account in...
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    Nick name on application for TRV

    Any advise?
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    Nick name on application for TRV

    Hi there, Back in 2011, I listed my nick name on the application for TRV(IMM5257E) and got my TRV Visa. I am applying a new TRV this year, however, I really don't like that nickname anymore and I don't want to list it. Question: Do I still need to list that nick name for the sake of...
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    NEED YOUR HELP!! Answer to "Have you ever resided in Canada?"

    Just want to share some research on the question, I learn from Canada Revenue Agency website http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/tchncl/ncmtx/fls/s5/f1/s5-f1-c1-eng.html Here is the Meaning of resident 1.5 The term resident is not defined in the Act, however, its meaning has been considered by the...
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    NEED YOUR HELP!! Answer to "Have you ever resided in Canada?"

    Yes, I got an email from Canadian government for that question.
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    NEED YOUR HELP!! Answer to "Have you ever resided in Canada?"

    so visits equals to reside? I guess that's the question I have..
  12. Z

    NEED YOUR HELP!! Answer to "Have you ever resided in Canada?"

    Hi there, I visited Canada on a Visitor Visa(TRV) between May and August 2011 for different cities as my summer vacation. Today, as a part of FSW application process, I received an email from Canadian immigration service and asks me "Have you ever resided in Canada?" What's my answer shall...
  13. Z

    Receipt from CIC for FSW applicants?

    Thanks a lot for the information.
  14. Z

    Receipt from CIC for FSW applicants?

    Hi there, I Fedexed my FSW application package to CIC in Nova Scotia back on the beginning of June. However,I didn't receive any receipts or anything from CIC. No fund is deducted to my bank account from CIC either. So I am wondering whether this is normal? How long will CIC respond after you...
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    Occupation on Schedule 3 Form

    Up.. Anyone knows the answer?
  16. Z

    Occupation on Schedule 3 Form

    Anyone???? Any Advice???
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    Occupation on Schedule 3 Form

    On Schedule 3, Shall Occupation in that form list the same as your job title? In another word,do I need to regard occupation same as job title in that form? My own understanding is that occupation and job title are 2 different thing. For example, I can have my occupation as interactive media...