Dear Friends
I will put this topic to statistic for noc 2173 , any one apply on this NOC and CIC send file num for him ,please mention day send file and date received file num .
dear friend ,
I send my application yesterday on NOC 2173 Software engineers and designers the number of application reached 343 , I think i have a chance to accept my file .
please advice
congratulation ,, your application in processing now , i prefer not change credit card if you want get the new one and update CIC .
for our information when you send the application ,and how may months take ?
dear all
is this noc 2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers was close or not i check in CIC website the num reach 718 application , I think we have chance if i send my application within 2 days .
Please help .
Dear friend
I send my application under 2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers ,
This NOC is already closes or not . please Advice ?
ILETS EXam -CLB level
Hi My Friend ,
I need some Help for Immigration To Canada under FSW , I Take The ILEST Exam and my scor are
Listening: 5.5
Reading: 6
Writing: 6
Speaking: 6
overall score is 6
This result is acceptably Or I Need TO retake the Exam .
Please advice