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Search results

  1. Y

    Concerned about the NOC title

    Hi all, I'm not sure if my job title fulfills the requirements of the NOC code. Could you give me some advice? Background: I've been a part-time worker in a store. Since my major is computer science, I contributed to the sales and payout data. The store owner then supported my promotion to...
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    A bit confused by my CRS points

    It's a tier 0 as I said. Management. So it's possible that even I've got one year experience here I'm still below the CEC draw cut-off?
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    A bit confused by my CRS points

    I've got the valid PGWP as my work permit, why should I get another closed work permit?
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    A bit confused by my CRS points

    PGWP (open work permit).
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    A bit confused by my CRS points

    Hi, I'm working as a manager, Tier 0, less than a year. I'm preparing to get the EE via CES. I've calculated my CRS points that it shows it's 602. I have two questions: 1. Does it mean that I can actually start adding my profile in the pool and wait for a draw? 2. My job contract is a...
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    Few questions about applying CEC as a couple

    Thanks a lot. I found this: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada/permit/temporary/open-work-permit-spouses-dependent-children/eligibility.html#exceptions-high So the only 2 things worry me are 1-get married soon; 2-my job security.
  7. Y

    Few questions about applying CEC as a couple

    Hi, I'm working on a NOC 0 job and will be eligible to apply for the CEC next year. And I'm planning to get married this year. My wife lives in another country and she's not eligible to work here in Canada. I'm studying the policy yet some things are not clear to me: 1. Can I apply the CEC as...