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  1. CanGoldDigger

    About Medical Check (Outland)

    But you mentioned that IRCC had already send you the request form of medical check up? Why didn't it work for them?
  2. CanGoldDigger

    How to count part-time work hours

    That's tough. Basically you need to get 1,560 hours in a year. Just don't count more than 30 hours for any week or more than 60 hours for 2 weeks, this way you are going to be safe.
  3. CanGoldDigger

    How to count part-time work hours

    How do you know which week you worked 25 and which one you worked 35 ?
  4. CanGoldDigger

    Previous visa refusal

    It doesn't have an impact on a work permit application, you are safe now. But you must declare that for a PR, VISA applications. Etc. Otherwise it could be considered even as a misrepresentation.
  5. CanGoldDigger

    stuck on security screening

    Nobody knows for sure what they check. But it can take more than a year. Eligibility completed - yes, but it doesn't mean it's finalized completely. It all depends.
  6. CanGoldDigger

    stuck on security screening

    It's a sure sign that you are most likely stuck in a comprehensive check. Unfortunately.
  7. CanGoldDigger

    About Medical Check (Outland)

    It looks weird. Try another medical center. It's maybe not required but definitely doable, especially if it's requested by IRCC.
  8. CanGoldDigger

    Refugee or work permit

    There’s a special policy for the Lebanese people. So in this case, it’s legit.
  9. CanGoldDigger

    Experience with RCIC consultant for Super Visa

    It depends on a consultant. Mostly, the answer is no for all the points. The last question is How can I know if my RCIC is legit? https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigration-citizenship-representative/choose/authorized.html
  10. CanGoldDigger

    How to count part-time work hours

    You paystubs should reflect that. And yes, no more than 30 hours per week and no more than 1,560 hours a year. If you have 60 hours mentioned in your 2-week paystub, it's safe to count it as 30 a week.
  11. CanGoldDigger

    Refugee or work permit

    It depends. If you need to work already. You'd better apply for a work permit. It doesn't impact a refugee application.
  12. CanGoldDigger

    In which conditions does the employer have to pay for the plane ticket

    If it's not mentioned anywhere in your agreement or contract, which is doubtful, then you have to pay.
  13. CanGoldDigger

    2 or more degrees query in Express entry profile education segment

    Yes, you duplicate. If you completed your education outside Canada, you need an assessment to: be eligible as the principal applicant for Federal Skilled Workers Program (Express Entry), or earn points for education you got outside Canada You can also earn points for your spouse or...
  14. CanGoldDigger

    Two or more degrees query

    If you completed your education outside Canada, you need an assessment to: be eligible as the principal applicant for Federal Skilled Workers Program (Express Entry), or earn points for education you got outside Canada You can also earn points for your spouse or common-law partner’s...
  15. CanGoldDigger

    Unavoidable Travel Before PR Card

    If you haven't yet received your e-copr, then a safer way would be to inform IRCC and get landed as an outland applicant.
  16. CanGoldDigger

    PR under Ukraine Family Reunification Public Policy

    It's excluded by default as CUAET holders did not have any medicals done
  17. CanGoldDigger


    Yup, no impact for you. Just move on.