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  1. B

    June 2017 Citizenship Applicants - (pre C6 rule)

    Can you tell us why test was not easy? Lot of name or date questions? Thank you
  2. B

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    Were there name and dates related questions? I have memorizing problem. But I get %100 correct answers aptoronto vsoul and Richmond lib. Thank you.
  3. B

    Citizenship test: is it really so easy?

    What was the Stanley Cup question:D
  4. B

    Citizenship test: is it really so easy?

    Thank you for sharing your experience it's helpful. Most of the people repeating same sentence study book etc. Well we all know this already. We are asking your experience not asking for lecture. Thank you again..
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    Citizenship test: is it really so easy?

    I have a problem. I can't memorize names or dates but I get %100 Richmond vsoul and aptoronto. Can you tell us more about your experience please? Thank you..
  6. B

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    Anyone took the test. Please share your experience.
  7. B

    Citizenship test: is it really so easy?

    I couldn't get questions from Google. Please share your experience.
  8. B

    Citizenship test: is it really so easy?

    No one telling what kind of questions were asked. I am not asking exact questions but it's not illegal to say mostly about history or date or etc. Jesus relax no one being helpful about test. I am getting %100 correct answers Richmond vsoul and aptoronto and still not sure whether I am ready for...
  9. B

    September 2017 Citizenship Applications

    Thank you for sharing. Can you tell us a little bit more about test? What kind of questions were asked. Ty..
  10. B

    September 2017 Citizenship Applications

    Can you tell us a little bit of more test. How many true false question or any kind of date related questions etc. I have the exam next week. I am very nervous about it. Thank you...
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    MAY 2017 Citizenship Applicants

    Some people say test is cake walk other say very hard. I got all the correct answers on Richmond test. What do you think my chance is? Thank you
  12. B

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    Hello new line today for me. We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on October 16, 2017. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on November 10, 2017. We started processing your...
  13. B

    Does any October applicant get test invitation yet?

    I heard that few people invited for citizenship test already. What about you?
  14. B

    i want to go to canada and marry maxim

    Wow. sound like pimping to me. check this http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/index.asp
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    Best place to invest in canada for best returns ?

    Dont mess up with real estate now. Real estate is big bubble in Canada now and its not being smart to invest 2m in realestate and get 3-5k monthly rent. My humble opinion be careful..
  16. B

    Not AOR but something else

    thank you everbody
  17. B

    Not AOR but something else

    thank you. it doesn't seem AOR to me.Are you sure? People got different emails for AOR
  18. B

    Not AOR but something else

    Hello everyone, My application delivered Oct 16th and today i got this email. I dont understand what is it. Please help me.
  19. B

    Payment page is down? Soooooo slow and CIC charged me twice....

    It doesn't work! CIC has failed after bill c6 became in force.