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  1. g126

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Congrats! Good to see another fellow OINP getting PPR :-)
  2. g126

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    AFAIK you are free to apply for a BOWP at any time, if your PR application is on the works then they will hold issuing your visa until your R10 is passed. During this time you'll be in implied status, which although not ideal is perfectly legal. When you say you can't get your BOWP do you mean...
  3. g126

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    UsernameAORCategoryProvinceInland/Outland PPR Date (Period) lbrambilla PPR20/jan/2016PNPSaskatchewanOutland24/Jan/2017 (1 year and 4 days) gpfjl PPR20/fev/2016PNPNova ScotiaOutland14/Oct/2016 (7 months and 25 days) ajanoni PPR17/mar/2016PNPSaskatchewanOutland29/Nov/2016 (8 months and 12...
  4. g126

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Fantastic news!!!! SPVO seems to be stepping it up... Come guys, keep up the good work!
  5. g126

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    To quote Bill and Ted... Most excellent news bro! Congratulations and it's great to see the train moving again... :D
  6. g126

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    UsernameAORCategoryProvinceInland/Outland PPR Date (Period) lbrambilla PPR20/jan/2016PNPSaskatchewanOutland24/Jan/2017 (1 year and 4 days) gpfjl PPR20/fev/2016PNPNova ScotiaOutland14/Oct/2016 (7 months and 25 days) ajanoni PPR17/mar/2016PNPSaskatchewanOutland29/Nov/2016 (8 months and 12...
  7. g126

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    This USUALLY means that your R10 is complete and they are doing your initial A11.2 analysis... To get more information than this you need GCMS notes or you could try calling/emailing them which I don't recommend.
  8. g126

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Go Good stuff vensak! I wish you all the best in Canada! Hopefully we'll all be joining you there sometime in the future.
  9. g126

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    This is quite strange as for you to pass ELIGIBILITY you must also have passed SECURITY, otherwise you'd get a RECOMMEND PASS on eligibility. Do you see the words READY FOR VISA (or RFV) in your file anywhere? I would send them a kindly written CSE asking if perhaps they have forgotten to send...
  10. g126

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    You're better off searching the forum as you're unlikely to get good information from IRCC before the 6 month deadline. In GCMS notes security not started DOES NOT mean it's yet to start. If you find redacted sections in your notes then rest assured your security check is underway. Due date...
  11. g126

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    That's not very motivating... Is the section 16(1)(c) still there under associations?
  12. g126

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Please PM me the numbers, it's not safe or good practice to post your phone numbers in public forums... Viper are you from Sergipe? What stage of the application are you in?
  13. g126

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Looks like we have a good quorum for a group... Can you guys PM me your mobile numbers and I'll create a group for us!
  14. g126

    understanding GCMS notes

    I understand Recommend Pass is normal if security is still pending (as you can only pass eligibility if security is OK)... No idea what they mean the it was reviewed but not verified, perhaps they're also investigating your work experience but at the time the officer made his comment the...
  15. g126

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    OK... if we have a few more takers I'll start a group! :-)
  16. g126

    understanding GCMS notes

    So, I've been told that if you have section 16(1)(c) in associations it means there are one or more investigations underway to verify some things in your file. These may be to verify your criminal records (within Canada) or employment records (this seems to be the case for most Outland...
  17. g126

    understanding GCMS notes

    Hi Shaheer, AFAIK Security Screening means you're selected for the detailed or in-depth security process. This certainly takes longer than the ordinary process. Do you have military/police background or were you employed by governments? But don't despair, not all security screening cases go...
  18. g126

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Would any of you be interested in a WhatsApp group for Outland Brazilians going through SPVO? -------- Galera, alguém aqui tem interesse em começar um grupo WhatsApp para Brasileiros que estão sendo e serão processados pelo SPVO?
  19. g126

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    IMPOSSIBLE to answer without knowing your time line information... please include this information when you ask any questions WRT your progress until you have 40+ posts, by which time you'll be able to put it in your profile and signature.