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  1. G

    When will I get my Passport? Its been 2 years now.

    Get a Refugee Travel Document (RTD). It's like a passport that allows you to travel abroad, EXCEPT to your country of origin. You are eligible to get an RTD right after being accepted as a refugee and got your decision letter. http://www.cic.gc.ca/English/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=610&top=11
  2. G

    Changing the province!

    No. The IRB is a Federal entity, meaning that regardless of the province where you apply, IRB is the entity that will take a decision on your case.
  3. G

    Refugee Claim Acceptance/Succes Rate

    Hahaha oh you just made me spill my coffee... I think I'd be able to retire first than getting my refugee claim through
  4. G

    Need urgent Help

    If you apply today you will wait at least 2 years before you get a decision, so make sure to look for a province that is "refugee-friendly", for example, one where they will let you get a drivers license for example. (In Alberta they wont give you a drivers license)
  5. G

    As of February 1, 2018, the projected wait time for refugee claims is 20 months.

    This applies to all refugee claims. Basically, the IRB is now -officially- disregarding the hearing date that was given to you when the claim was referred to them. IRB expects your refugee hearing to be held 20 months after the day your claim was referred to them.
  6. G

    Hearing postponed due to operational limitation in vancouver !!!

    True, I did not account for the people that abandoned or withdrew their refugee claims when doing my own calculations on the wait time. I guess I'd prefer to be positively surprised and have an early hearing than being too optimistic and then find myself disappointed.
  7. G

    Hearing postponed due to operational limitation in vancouver !!!

    http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/Eng/NewsNouv/NewNou/Pages/hearing-schedule.aspx The IRB has decided to start processing the refugee claims in the order they were received, that means they are now focusing on legacy claims (they still have +3000 of those claims open) and this will take them about 2-3...
  8. G

    Basic questions about asylum

    Talk to a lawyer and explain everything you told us. He or she would be qualified to say what are your brother's chances of success. Don't risk it, right now claiming refugee in Canada is a gamble and it could take years before he gets a decision. As others have said, if his claim is denied...
  9. G

    As of February 1, 2018, the projected wait time for refugee claims is 20 months.

  10. G

    I am Pakistani and UK national currently in USA seeking asylum in canada.i need help!

    To reiterate what everybody else is saying: You should go back to the UK and seek protection through the British authorities. The UK is a huge country, if you feel your ex would kill you, then you could have moved to another city and hide. It seems you didn't even try this at first. It will be...
  11. G

    Renewing Work Permit

    Hi all. My work permit is expiring in 6 months. Would it be too early if I submit an application to get my work permit renewed? It's quite difficult to get a job with a work permit that expires in a few months... (My refugee hearing was canceled and IRB has not set a date yet, we are expecting...
  12. G

    I need some help

    Sofia los chances de que Canada le otorgue el refugio son muy bajos. El sistema de refugio esta diseñado para gente que esta huyendo de situaciones humanitairas terribles, como la guerra en Siria, Irak, Afghanistan, o gente que esta siendo perseguida por su gobierno. En el caso de venezuela, la...
  13. G

    I renewed my passport as a protected person

    True. The onus is on the refugee to prove their intentions, however, I hope you can see that a passport renewal by itself is not a good argument to prove that a refugee intended to seek protection from their government. A kid out of law school can easily fight this argument. Passport renewal +...
  14. G

    Refugee status cessation and PRs applying for citizenship

    You don't have to be a lawyer to realize that this argument wouldn't stand a chance in Federal Court. Proving cessation is not that easy, you need strong actions to indicate that you are seeking the protection of your government or that your initial fear has disappeared: the classical example of...
  15. G

    I renewed my passport as a protected person

    Just apply for the RTD and surrender your passport. You should include a letter explaining why you renewed your passport and clarifying that you have not used it to travel back to your home country. They can easily verify this with the stamps on your passport. What you did is not forbidden or...
  16. G

    ETA Refugee Hearings

    Hi all, just wanted to share some information that was confirmed to me by an RPD member. Hearings for claimants are expected to occur 15-18 months AFTER the claim is referred to the IRB. For example, if your case was referred to IRB in August 2017 then your hearing could be held somewhere...
  17. G

    Postponed hearings timelines

    Good for you Sally! Can I ask you when was your original hearing date?
  18. G

    Can a person apply for asylum if he has a visitor or student visa??

    Wow wow wow, that escalated quickly. Although what you are trying to do is against the law, there is no point in judging you based on your situation. You sound like a very smart person, so Google will be your best friend in that venture. Good luck.