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  1. marineking

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Não precisa estar no Canada para solicitar a residência permanente. O processo é online. Recomendo esses links para entender sobre o processo: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry.html e...
  2. marineking

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Parabéns! Qual foi a principal fonte de procura? Google, os foruns, real state agencies ou anuncios em jornais (se é que esses ainda existem) ?
  3. marineking

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Que situação ein... E enquanto procura, a melhor opção pra ficar é airbnb?
  4. marineking

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Por que isso daria pontos a mais? A meu ver, continua sendo 1 degree or diploma.
  5. marineking

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Não se preocupe. Essas coisas "congelam" na data que você submete e recebe o AOR. Outras coisas como o rate de BRL vs CAD também "congela" (só se ficar muito discrepante é que pedem mais docs).
  6. marineking

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Por favor, após algumas semanas quando o caos amenizar, compartilha a experiência e dicas para futuros PRs!
  7. marineking

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    No meu caso eu enviei uma pos graduacao de apenas 360 horas, porém foram espalhadas num período de 13 meses de curso (incluindo TCC), e o WES considerou como "Postgraduate diploma (one year)". Boa pergunta mesmo: se eles dao mais importancia as horas totais ou ao período que se passou
  8. marineking

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Ah ta, my bad. Nao tinha percebido que você vai fazer no IQAS. Alguma razao especifica de nao ter escolhido o WES?
  9. marineking

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Assim como o @joaojr123 eu também juntei os meus docs + o envelope lacrado da faculdade + traducoes e enfiei em um envelope maior contendo tudo e só precisou de um envio, e o WES aceita isso na boa. Conheço muita gente que fez assim também. Usei DHL pro envio. Lembrando que esse é apenas o...
  10. marineking

    July 2018 AOR - join here

    Ah, didn't realize that. Well, I'll leave it to the experts then.
  11. marineking

    July 2018 AOR - join here

    Looks like IP2 to me. Seems like the documents you uploaded were sufficient and now they're conducting background check. More info here.
  12. marineking

    July 2018 AOR - join here

    Still great! I thought they would not send any email to me until PPR, rejection or more documents needed. This means I don't have to login every day every couple of hours eager for updates :D
  13. marineking

    July 2018 AOR - join here

    My AOR was July 29 too, got MEP yesterday 23 days later when I log in to check in the morning. In the evening I got an email saying there was an update. When I logged in, status was "Submitted" and nothing changed in the full application status. Not sure if the email was regarding the MEP from...
  14. marineking

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    It's so odd how some applications I see progress so fast, and others don't, like yours, even though you are eligible according to their own analysts. It almost looks like they randomly select applications from the pool to work with, instead of doing some orderly rotation. A friend of mine...
  15. marineking

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    Not even medicals passed? What the first two sets of GCMS notes say?
  16. marineking

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    AOR July 29th, Medicals passed today August 21st (23 days after AOR). Nothing extraordinary but I hope this info can be of any use to anyone looking to compare durations.
  17. marineking

    How to prove child legal name change?

    After some research I have found some reports of people attaching a LOE and both birth certificates (option 1) and successfully passing, so that's what I am going to do.
  18. marineking

    How to prove child legal name change?

    Spouse and I have legally changed the last name of our child when he was 6 in our country of residence, well before applying for immigration. We opened a legal action, a judge accepted and we received a new birth certificate. There's no official document declaring "the name was Y, now it's X"...
  19. marineking

    Need help filling out the Statutory Declaration of Common Law Union (IMM 5409 E)

    Thanks! I have actually started this other topic the other day asking for opinions about the evidence, and the general consensus there was that it should be enough.