I think you still have to answer that they will accompany you since they are still going anyway. If you answer No, that means they will not be joining you in Canada sometime soon. I dont know if this helps...
Talking about remibursable... You have to enroll @ Alliance-Cebu for your fees to be reimbursable... Alliance-Manila is not tied up with Quebec.. I am staying in Manila and enrolled in Manila Branch... I even emailed the Cebu branch but I guess wala na akong magagawa... I just have to keep my...
prepare 4390 and 2,000 for your books which you will be using for 5 modules. Yes the classes have started... You may check the website of the Alliance to know their scheds..
PPR ka na ba @ kelotz? Sana tayo na ang next... Studying the timeline of others, last month (August) yung mga nagbigyan ng PPR ay yung mga nagpameds ng April... I was just hoping and praying na this month yung mga nag pa meds ng May naman ang mabigyan... Sigh... I'm feeling weary and excited at...
Yes, you should be able to provide an answer to the question. The reason you picked the place might even come up on your interview so I guess it would be best to know now which part of quebec you want to go and why.