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  1. T

    Job Market Scenario at Alberta Amidst #Covid19

    With regard to AB, the bigger concern at present is the economic impact of the extremely low oil prices. The fall in oil prices has decimated the economy, and the impact of COVID is certainly not helping. It is way too early to tell what the eventual fallout will look like, but as of right...
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    Bringing 2 cars/ 1 car from the US..

    It really depends on where you will be living. If you plan to live in Mississauga, then yes, two cars will be very useful as distances are large and public transit coverage isn't ubiquitous. That said, you should take a look at sites like Kanetix to check out insurance costs in Ontario, as...
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    Gifted money from a German to a Canadian

    That sounds like a very, very fishy story that will certainly raise red flags at the CRA.
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    Declaration Of Investment Property

    No, you don't have to declare it at landing. You will declare it when you file your first tax return. You will be taxed on any income (rent) that you generate from the property while you are a tax resident of Canada. In addition, you will have to pay capital gains tax on the difference...
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    CCB (Canada Child Benefit) application declined... Please help!

    Well, one of the criteria to be eligible is that the children have to live with you. If they are on visit visas, they can't be living in Canada. So maybe that's the issue.
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    Moving to Canada - Canadian tax on disposing foreign assets

    Is there cash in the company? If there is, and you distribute this cash out by way of bonus or dividend prior to closing the company, you will be taxed on that as income.
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    Question about Goods to follow

    That's true, but I meant aggregate value. That's why I said it didn't make sense to split the declaration into two separate ones to be filed by each spouse individually.
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    Question about Goods to follow

    Would you be moving back together? If so, you can present a joint list of goods as a couple. As there is no limit on the amount or value of goods, or any defined time to import the goods post-landing, I'm not sure what the benefit would be for each of you trying to use your exemption individually.
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    Most urgent:::plz.help me

    No, medical conditions have no impact on qualification for citizenship. You will be fine.
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    Bringing Mother in law and father in law on visitor visa

    Yes, that should be enough. In the past, I've always also supplied some documentary evidence to demonstrate that my wife and I are settled in Canada, financially secure, etc. I don't think it's essential, but it can't hurt. A letter of employment or tax returns or some bank statements could...
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    Asset Declaration when Landing

    Here's a link to the form that your parents will need to complete. For jewelry, it's recommended that they take photos of each piece as well, as these will be stamped upon landing and then they can carry their jewelry in/out of Canada without fear of being taxed on it in the future...
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    Asset Declaration when Landing

    They don't need to declare their property or any assets they are not bringing with them upon landing. They can declare property upon filing their tax returns. For jewelry and other accompanying goods, there is a form to fill out, and plenty of information available on this forum.
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    Bringing Mother in law and father in law on visitor visa

    Yes, you can certainly invite them. You wouldn't be sponsoring them, as they would be coming here on a visit visa. I would suggest writing a letter of invitation where you and your wife both sign it, agree to support them while they are here and provide documentary evidence of proof of funds.
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    How to manage the jacket when taking the flight?

    If your destination is Toronto, then you'll be able to get your luggage back before exiting the airport (when you'll need your jacket). So, you can remove it from your suitcase while still inside the airport where it's warm, and then put it on.
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    Should I settle in Canada? Is it worth it?

    I was actually trying to help you. Did you ever consider the reason that you are struggling in Canada has more to do with your horrible attitude than anything else? If you swallowed your endless pride, took the chip off your shoulder and tried to learn from others, perhaps you would be in a...
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    Should I settle in Canada? Is it worth it?

    This can not be emphasized enough, and is extremely wise advice. Do you research and try to get as thorough an understanding of what life will be like before moving. Immigration to Canada is not the Holy Grail that will solve all of your problems, and as such, is not for everyone. Be prepared.
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    Should I settle in Canada? Is it worth it?

    The "cocooned experts" that you are looking down on are most likely immigrants themselves...I know I was, and that's where I learned about the immigration system. We came to Canada, managed to settle down and are obviously happy here. So, the immigration journey isn't all about...
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    Huge medical bill. Please help!

    No. You need to clear your existing debt with the medical system before trying to obtain additional services from it. If you can't afford the treatment you have already had, how can you afford new treatment?
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    Huge medical bill. Please help!

    Agreed wholeheartedly. Not paying your bills is clearly abusing the system, and is wrong.
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    Huge medical bill. Please help!

    This is a horrible situation, and I really do feel for you and your family. Like you said, no one anticipates such accidents happening or emergencies arising. It sounds like you have 2 separate issues here, namely how to pay your current hospital bill and how to register your father for rehab...