I just got nominated today,
Submitted : 24/11/2021
Assessment : 09/12/2021
DIP : 21/01/2022
Approval : 09/02/2022
No ADR. My employers were not contacted, as far as I know. Most of my experience is self employed. My application was fairly complex with lots of letters, invoices, tax returns, bank statements, incorporation documents and others. Over 100 pages in total and everything translated by an ATIO translator. I have no ties to Ontario.
Submitted : 24/11/2021
Assessment : 09/12/2021
DIP : 21/01/2022
Approval : 09/02/2022
No ADR. My employers were not contacted, as far as I know. Most of my experience is self employed. My application was fairly complex with lots of letters, invoices, tax returns, bank statements, incorporation documents and others. Over 100 pages in total and everything translated by an ATIO translator. I have no ties to Ontario.