Nope, nothing yet. Received my GCMS last week and it clearly says our kid's file is with CMAU. The IME Status Reason says "Not Granted" for my daughter and the description says "Has a condition which might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on health or social services to such an extent that the applicant is inadmissible under Section 38(1)(c)". It also says "enquiry forwarded to CIO-Sydney-Medical inbox for review."
The last status updated date is 2021/01/26

which is when we submitted the ADR. So naturally, the biometrics we completed in March is still not updated. Our upfront medicals are gonna expire by this month end. I also see a "Due Date" 2022/01/21 against the kid's medical, so hopefully we'll get some kind of an intimation by then.
Hopefully, the M5 and IME status are just standard phrases and hope don't affect our application. Long story short, it hasn't moved an inch since Jan 2021.