There is a surplus of pharmacists in most of Canada which is why you are unlikely to see pharmacists on the list of professions for PNPs. As a pharmacist you can’t apply as a pharmacy tech.
Copied from EE Pharmacists group on Telegram:
I beg to differ with your viewpoint. Even before COVID-19, pharmacists were not in surplus in Canada. The problem used to be that pharmacists were congested in a particular place ( Greater Toronto Area) while the rural areas lacked enough pharmacists.
With the advent of COVID, there is a huge need of pharmacists almost everywhere in Canada to the point that they were issuing emergency pharmacist license to some candidates who had not completed all the PEBC exams.
That been said, pharmacist licensing process is one that takes time so even if province make pharmacy an eligible occupation, the province will not benefit directly since it will take time for the candidate to get license. The same is true for medical doctors. Doctors are not on any PNP list but that does not make them surplus. I know people who have to wait for several months to get a family doctor and a visit to the emergency can take up to 8 hour stay. It is just the licensing procedure that is complicated.
If anyone is able to complete the PEBC exams, I know they can get Manitoba PNP easily because the province gives additional points for someone who has the Manitoba college of pharmacists license.