Hi there,I need some advice-
AOR 2019
PPR 1 sep 2019
Expiry- July 2020
Remeds - 13 Aug 2021
Passed 16 Aug 2021
PPR 2- waiting
I found a job and supposed to join in Dec but haven't received my PPR 2.
1. Should I resign current job as I have 2 month notice?
2. Should I give up this canada offer, its real hard work and I may not be able to land without offer.
3. Any idea if I will get it soon or anything I can do to expedite the process?
Last time PPR 1 came within a month after meds, this time so late.
In my opinion, the most certain thing in your situation atm is your current job. Do NOT let that go. There are already too many cases of people in “dilemma”, believing their PPR would come soon according to the timeline they have in mind and it never did. So what you have now should be priority.
I’m curious, why would you say that you wouldn’t be able to land without a job offer? Doesn’t PR visa grant you that flexibility to land WITHOUT a job offer?
I personally am not a big believer of the webforms to expedite things..you can try but I’d say never expect to get a response that you need within the time you need it to be.