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Procedural Fairness


Oct 6, 2021
I have hired one already, but still freaking out alot, haven’t slept for last 4 days already.

Can this be very serious issue?
Can I get through This?
do you think so?
Hey what happened to your application did you get any update?


Full Member
May 9, 2021
Hello, I have a question.

I received a PFL today.
I have applied under tr to pr pathway with my spouse where I was principal applicant and he was dependent.

So, what I have done is, I have mentioned his refusal in his Imm5669 but forgot to mention in my imm5669, since I was the principal applicant, I also have to mention it.
Now, the officer has concern and issued letter to my husband why did not he mention it. However, I have applied his work permit extensions three times and I always mentioned it, and I also mentioned in the same application.

On May 6, we were all so overwhelmed and it just slipped out.

What are the odds of Approval?
Do you guys think, it could be a honest mistake.
Have you got any response after


Full Member
May 9, 2021
This is the Letter, the officer issued.

I just want to know, will I be safe from Ban?

“This refers to the application for permanent residence you made under the Temporary Public Policy: Temporary Resident to Permanent Resident Pathway (TR to PR Pathway), in International Graduates.
I am now completing assessment of your TR to PR Pathway application; however, it appears that you may not meet TR to PR Pathway requirements, including that you would not be inadmissible under the Act and Regulations.
I am preoccupied that you may not meet the requirement of paragraph 16(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA):
More precisely, I am preoccupied by the following facts:
1-You responded “No” to both questions 6 d) and 6 e) on form IMM 5669, therefore stating that you or someone included in your application for permanent residency have not “been refused refugee status, an immigrant or permanent resident visa (including a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) or application to the Provincial Nominee Program) or visitor or temporary visa, to Canada or any other country or territory”, or “been refused admission to, or ordered to leave, Canada or any other country or territory.”
2-While looking into your IRCC file, it was noted that on or around 2018/05/10, you were refused a Canadian study permit. You did not mention this in your application. Please submit a letter explaining the situation and/or documentation regarding this omission.
3-While looking into your IRCC file, it was noted that on or around 2020/01/24, you were refused a Canadian work permit. You did not mention this in your application. Please submit a letter explaining the situation and/or documentation regarding this omission.
If you are determined to have misrepresented yourself in order to make a permanent residency application in the Temporary Resident to Permanent Resident Pathway, you may be found inadmissible following paragraph 40(1)a) of the IRPA. If you are found to be inadmissible, this inadmissibility will last five years, following paragraph 40(2)a):
40 (1) A permanent resident or a foreign national is inadmissible for misrepresentation
16 (1) A person who makes an application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination and must produce a visa and all relevant evidence and documents that the officer reasonably requires.

(a) fordirectlyorindirectlymisrepresentingorwithholdingmaterialfactsrelatingtoarelevant matter that induces or could induce an error in the administration of this Act;
40 (2) The following provisions govern subsection (1):
Before I make a final decision, you may submit additional information relating to this issue. You have 30 days from this letter date to provide any additional information via your MyCIC account.
I look forward to receiving your response. If you choose not to respond with additional information I will make my decision based on the information before me, which may result in refusal of your application.”
Have you got response after


Nov 11, 2024
I am a success story of PFL. I received PFL, provided the information and was approved for PR.

But you should understand that it depends on the seriousness of your mistake and where you are located.

The general rule is this:

1) If you are located outside Canada, probability that you will be approved is low.
2) If you are located inside Canada, probability that you will be approved is high. But hire a lawyer who will help you compose a cover letter. In addition to that you should provide a statutory declaration. Every document should be signed and stamped. A lawyer knows how to do it. Don't save money on a lawyer! It's a serious thing.

1) If your mistake is serious (you hid criminal punishment), probability that you will be approved is low.
2) If your mistake is not serious (you forgot to mention about visa refusals), probability that you will be approved is high.

Remember PFL is not a verdict. It's a chance for you to explain whether you made mistake or you misrepresented information.

You are welcome.

I'm writing this message for the future generations to help them because I was stuck and didn't get proper help anywhere. Good luck everyone! Welcome to Canada!