Firstly I am thankful from your swift and kind response
Is this your primary NOC for FSW?
NO , I never present a something like this to arise any kinds of problem, I've had more than 3 years exp with full docs for proof
Continuous is no breaks...can you do that?
Yes, I can do for my primary NOC, have with the exact what IRCC has been stated for work experience
So your contract doesn't specify salary, job responsibilities, hours etc.?
I told that, it was
self-employed, self-employed means I was working for my-self not by others, so I should determine those factors you mentioned by my-self
My contract said :
Publisher [name] has contracted with Ms/Mr.....................................for printing,packaging,binding and all related task to provide a book called.........................
and confirm that all permissions have been taken.
Permissions :
Book's details:
So, In case of self employment how should be determined in this field is very questionable
If NOC says it could be self-employed , who should define the hours,salary,responsibilities
and usually writers first write book then after distributing , it might be profitable not before
responsibilities :!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for enlightening