(1) Preferable is to send email message with attachments with around 5 MB as instructed. Sending email to CPC-M <IRCC.CPCMParentsandGrandparents-Parentsetgrands-parentsCTDM.IRCC@cic.gc.ca> used to be not easy last years. Not sure now. Try to send several times if it bounces back and unusual time like early morning 5 am. For peace of your mind, send through IRCC Webform also later.Hi laxsun, could I ask a couple of other questions?
- Which method may be advised, that I send the requested documents via Webform or email (IRCC.CPCMParentsandGrandparents-Parentsetgrands-parentsCTDM.IRCC@cic.gc.ca)? The requested documents from the PA and Spouse were addressed to me as the Sponsor. However, there are no required documents currently outstanding in the PA's IRCC secure account. I have to send the docs in, but am unsure which method may be better.
- For Details of Military Service - If neither of them served, should I include the form and write "N/A" all across, or simply not submit this form?
Thanks so much!
(2) Just explain in the main letter when you send PCC, Travel History and other documents.
When you have time, explore this thread with search tool and the last sheet of the tracker. You can get a lot of information.