+1 for Zurich route

[All local times below]
02SEP2021 12:00 PM Gave RT-PCR Sample
03SEP2021 10:00 PM Arrived at TRV International Airport.
04SEP2021 04:30 AM TRV-DXB-ZRH Emirates 04SEP2021 12:50 PM [Flight was full!]
04SEP2021 13:20 PM Checked into Transit hotel
04SEP2021 14:00 PM Gave RT-PCR Sample at Testing center close to transit hotel
04SEP2021 23:00 PM RT-PCR Results arrived
04SEP2021 23:00 PM Filled ArriveCan (RT-PCR, Vaccination, Flight timing, Quarantine Plan/Place) and uploaded documents.
04SEP2021 23:30 PM Uploaded Swiss Air Additional documents required online (ArriveCan, RT-PCR)
05SEP2021 12:50 PM ZRH-YUM Swiss Air 05SEP2021 15:15 PM
05SEP2021 16:30 PM Exited Montreal Airport with SP. Showed PoE Letter and Passport. No questions were asked.
1. Emirates checked all my immigration documents
2. Trivandrum immigration asked me where to and which course.
3. Dubai had security check only. There was an announcement that RTPCR is available for transfer passengers. My layover was a mere 90 minutes, though.
4. Zurich is tricky. The test capacity is less.
If you are giving sample after 16:00 hours, ask for 3 hours test. CHR 150 normal, CHR 200 3 hours turn in.
There were people who gave samples after 1700 hours for the 150 CHF; and did not get results in time.
There were two people including me when I entered the test centre to give sample.
There were 30+ people (and growing) in a queue when I exited the test centre.
Rush to the test centre as soon as you alight.
5. Zurich had passport control at boarding and checked for ArriveCan and RT-PCR.
6. Unused Swiss C visa costed me 8000 fees + 2700 vfs charges + 3000 vfs premium for doc check + 4000 petrol.
Emirates TRV-ZRH Return flight - INR 1,00,000/- [Booked one month early, 35kg luggage, added 10kg additional luggage for INR 18k]
Swiss Air ZRH-YUL One-way flight - INR 50,000/- [Booked one month early, 23kg luggage, added 23kg luggage for CHF 85]
Transit Hotel - INR 8200/- [Booked one month early]
RT-PCR - INR 12,400/- [I used a n SBI travel card here]
Food and Beverages range from 5 to 15 CHF for a meal.
I got a Schengen Visa after Emirates suggested that they may not be able to tag my luggage.
The Swiss High Commission categorically told me that I can enter Switzerland ONLY with that visa. No entry to other Schengen Countries.
But Emirates tagged my luggage to YUL. So the Visa was not used.
I was automatically checked into my Swiss Air flight with my luggage.
I got my ZRH-YUL boarding pass from Transfer desk in E gates.
Recommendation: Please book your own tickets so that you can manage/cancel/postpone your travel if the test does not arrive in time.