You definitely have to create a new CRA account, you're not able to access to your old CRA longer when you have new SIN. The problem with creating new CRA account is, seems like it detected my internet IP or something, I wasn't able to create a new account at home, but when I brought my laptop to my friend's place to show and ask her for experience, I happened to able to create it myself normally. So just change your point of access to the Internet and create it and wait for them to send the new code to have full access to the new CRA account. It would take around 10 days or so.
Updating on the headaches with CRA. So, there's very funny about my situation. I uploaded photo of my PR card to prove my status as the GST/HST credit agent suggested, a few days later, I got a new message for OTB debt (yeah

). I got to learn that CRA, GST/HST credit and OTB don't give a shit and don't work hands in hands with each other. When my status changed, CRA had no prob with my return in the last 3 years, but the benefits offices don't have logic in their systems. Then OTB agent then told me that, when my old CRA account was closed due to an invalid SIN, the system counted that there's no proof for my existence in Canada to get benefits. So my job is, sending them proof that I was in Canada for the last 3 years, aka the lasting time of my old CRA account, so they could verify that the benefits I got from them is legitimate (OMG). She said they got my PR card photos on their system, but it's not what they wanted (thanks, GST agent), and asked me to upload study permit/work permit to prove my legal status in the last 3 years

. At the end, I did ask, when I can expect for the debt to be cleared. She said they're really busy (...) so no timeline for dissolving the problem, I should monitor my CRA account to see if it's gone by October. If it wasn't, give them a call then.
So yeah, guys, headaches ahead with CRA. I hope my story can help you in any way.