Yeah I've noticed that too. Ive seen people from June, July are still waiting for test invite. I am truly sorry some folks from 2019 that are wiaitng either test invite or Background Check is still In Process. I hope none of us would end up like them.
I'd be curious on the 'true' percentages for all the older sheets, tbh - still a possibility that there's a lot of stale entries on the sheets across a lot of the months and November (as much as I could, when I did) I made sure that almost all records had updates going into the In Process phase. It's entirely possible that other months are also reflecting the same sort of trends (if not better), but :
a) Diverse mix of different CPC's processing applications at variable rates,
b) People not providing updates for their own additional records
c) People having different complications with their individual cases (Maybe setting of security red flags, fingerprint requests, et. al. )
is muddying the waters a bit. Can't say at this point.